Part Four

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Sidon stood at the center. He acted proud in his posture and focused in his expressions. His hands stuck together behind him while he stared up. The yellow eyes he showed were dull and clouded; Troubled and masked. While in front of his father this facade became mandatory over the years. Sidon became very good at pretending like this, like he was exactly who he was supposed to be.

Though Dorphan and Muzu have their own goals to gain from this meeting, Sidon only had one, even as nervous as he may be.

"So my son, how are things going!?" As oblivious as Dorphan always is, he spoke with enjoyment. Never thinking too deeply into things; always seeing the surface. Muzu handled most business for him. All the important planning and scheduling Dorphan became too lazy to deal with anymore. Muzu added, "With my niece."

Sidon scanned Muzu for a moment but soon carried on looking at his father. "Things are fine, father."

"If you come back saying the same thing over and over I fear this wedding may never happen!" Dorphan boomed. "Have you two not gotten closer at all?"

Sidon sweat internally, "We have talked, father, but I do tend to my royal duties first."

"I see, son, but this is your royal duty! The most important one at that!" His tone became softer. "Muzu, please plan the two a date later tonight! And make it romantic, will you?"

"Of course your majesty." Muzu bowed his head.

"Thank you." Dorphan shifted back towards his son. The small and in-genuine worry he held for a second before, washed away entirely. "Now, we must start discussing dates. If we keep pushing it off it'll never get done, right Sidon!?"

He stood stammering before his father. Searching for his bravery to speak up against him finally. This is his chance, this is the perfect window. That facade coming down little by little now.

Say something Sidon. You know you need to.

He tried desperately to remind himself of Link. He needs to do this for him, for theirs. But as his eyes stuttered between Dorphan and Muzu, the pressure of their watching presence overcame his rationality and peaking courage. He looked down as he adjusted his stance, only thankful to have broken that one sided staring contest. Collecting his thoughts helped him move through the rest of this meeting. Even though he knows he's failed.


With his head held unstably high, Sidon responded, "Yes, father. I do agree."

"Are you alright, my boy?" Dorphan had never seen his son stumble like that before. Maybe Sidon should work on that mask more, huh?

"Yes, of course! I hadn't got much sleep last night I'm afraid, an irresponsible error of mine. I apologize." He spoke with prestige. Though that statement may have been true, sleep certainly wasn't at fault for how he acted.

"Planning for your wedding I hope? I fear you don't take this as seriously as it is, my son." Dorphan began to lean back in his throne, sharpening his eyes like daggers.

Sidon's heart stammered irregularly for a moment, this nervousness feels so ugly to him. "Yes, I had prepared for this meeting, you see. Catching up on paperwork as well before bed."

"Oh perfect!" Dorphan beamed. "Let us get into the nitty gritty than, shall we?"

Walking away from the meeting left Sidon embarrassing disappointed in himself. He fought his conscience repeatedly on why things had gone as they did.

'Why didn't you say anything?' He'd ask of himself. "I don't know."

'Why did you spiral like that?' Asking again. "I don't know."

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