Part Two

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Sidon looked at Link coldly. Mortified as to what he had just signed. His eyes were wider than usual, and his mouth hung agape. How... When... What was he meant to do? All he could manage was stare. Stare into Link's ever growing expression of depression.

Link saw the disappointment in his eyes. They burned onto him with such passionate inspection; ultimately still disappointed. He could tell. Once Sidon still hasn't said a word, Link decided on looking away from his face. Focus on anything but the despair he had caused his beloved. Ashamed of the thing he had become.

Though Link couldn't see, Sidon's gaze actually shifted to his stomach. He fantasized briefly in this moment of his child growing within Link. The fact that the two of them, from completely separate species, were able to conceive? Blew Sidon's mind entirely. In this short moment, he relished in the miracle that the goddesses blessed him and his dearest with. Knowing what intense luck it would've taken for this to happen. Gobsmacked at the sudden situation Sidon was now in, differently enlarging his dread and guilt for the future.

And just like that, those kinds of worries flew away. Startled, interrupted by the sound of armor clanking down a far hallway, ever growing louder.

The two of them both snapped their heads to where they believed the guard was coming from. Sidon however acted on instinct immediately after. He scooped Link into his arms and off the ground as quietly as he could. Holding him like he was stealing a child in the night; ever so delicately cradling him.

Link was so startled from the sound of the guard and now so startled from Sidon's unexpected action. A cold draft blew over his face as Sidon carried him away from the threat. Still too distressed and embarrassed to comprehend a thing, but yet felt so longingly comfortable in the prince's arms again. Being ever focused on him as always; Link loved and hated it.

Sidon carried them to Link's room. He had been staying in one of the royal guest bedrooms for quite some time. Bringing them here was the closest and safest option in Sidon's mind. Shifting Link into only one arm as he used the other to soundly close the door behind them. So cautious as to not make a thud, and so cautious as to not drop the fragile hylian.

After they were secluded in here alone, Sidon's eyes fell from the door to now upon Link. Watching him, focusing on him so worriedly, hoping he hadn't manhandled him. Putting his full attention on placing Link down on the side of the bed. Sitting on his knees in front of the boy, trying his best to get the two of them at eye level. Finally able to gape and gasp peacefully at the new news.

Link looked to him tiredly, putting on a facade of wishing to discuss this in the morning, but truly he wanted this man's attention now and forever. Any time he could have Sidon to himself was the only parts of his life that mattered. Even if his face felt extremely puffy, even if his eyes still held trying tears from before, he's over the moon to be here with him.

Unlike the last, this time Link watched Sidon's gaze lighten and relax as it fell onto his stomach. His mouth closed from its previous silent gasps and stared into Link's abdomen. Now that he truly looked, it had rounded. Clearly not enough for the normal civilian to notice, but enough for someone who's studied this body before to care. His killing eyes made the other slightly awkward, but at the same time he noticed how long he kept this gaze. Even if he's technically captured by their growing child, Link adored the attention nonetheless.

Finally the realization of conceiving a baby with Link had sunk into Sidon's head. Before he asked anything else, he wanted to make sure of one thing. "The baby is mine, right?"

After all this that's the first thing he asks?! Link's expression dropped to reveal small amounts of frustration. What is he implying? Does he think Link has been sleeping around with other people? Oh how much Link wanted to smack him right now, but Sidon understood his emotions just from that glare. "I'm sorry..." Link's face eased more after that. Still though, his brows felt heavy and Sidon felt embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that... this is just such a big surprise." He continued. Those excuses doing nothing ultimately. Sidon went to place his hands on either side of the bed, just next to Link's knees.

Link knew that it would've caught him off guard. I mean it's 2am and I'm sure that's the last thing he was expecting to hear, but maybe his fantasies painted such an unrealistic picture of how this would go. This habit of helplessly dreaming the impossible is starting to have some negative side affects I guess...

"Can I ask questions?" Sidon looked at him with concern. Link only holding his hands in his lap while he nodded idly.

After a deep sigh he asked, "How long have you known?"

Link thought on how to word this. 'Remember when I went to visit Purah a month ago?'

Sidon's eyes sparked a look of realization momentarily. "I see..." he paused. "How far along are you?"

'Three.' Is all Link signed.

Sidon wasn't quite expecting that. That must've been one their first times I guess... "Ah... and—" he grew upset with himself for the role he's playing right now. Asking so many questions in a panic. "I'm so sorry for asking a lot of questions, Link. Please forgive me if I don't quite seem myself at the moment..."

Link understood what he meant. It was late and he knows this was a huge shock. Not to mention what trouble this would cause throughout the domain. Honestly he couldn't even imagine what kind of anxiety the prince must have growing deep down right now. Link already knows Sidon like the back of his hand, and thus he knows how much his people mean to him. He knows Sidon's thoughts and opinions on just about anyone or anything but him. This nagged at Link's brain countless amount of nights, but now he felt as if he shouldn't have told him yet.

"Why..." Sidon hesitated in frustration. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Link looked down at his hands while he signed, ashamed of his lame excuse of an answer. 'I was scared.'

All Sidon did was understand his response. Obviously he was scared to tell him about such a conflict. "It's okay." He attempted at comforting the small one. "I'm not mad."

Links eyes lit up to look at his. 'You're not?' What was happening right now? Was this like his fantasies after all?

"Of course I'm not." Sidon edged closer to the bed and rubbed his hands at Link's sides. "There's no one else I'd rather have child with than you, Link. I just thought it was impossible."

Hearing those words almost sent Link into cardiac arrest, and the touch of his beloved sent fireworks off at the skin of his hips. Those annoying tears sprang up again, this time out of only happiness instead. Not sobbing, but teary because of all the hormones in him right now.

His joy came to a halt when he thought of an intriguing question. 'What does this mean?'

Sidon didn't know how to respond. Cat had seemingly caught his tongue as he scrambled for a plan. He sighed, "I have no idea. But please my love, I want you to sleep." His left hand cradled Link's responding cheek. Specifically caressed and referring to the bags under his eyes. "This isn't good for you nor the baby."

Links face glowed of pink. Only able to nod hazily. Just as his blue eyes lidded, Sidon bent to kiss Link upon his forehead. The tiredness within Link only seemed to actually want to sleep once he was with his prince.

Before they agreed to climb under the covers, Sidon had one last thing to tuck in. He lifted up Link's tunic and bent down even more than before. Placing a shaky, loving kiss upon his stomach.

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