Part Three

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Link's heart rests finally. The calmness that now enveloped him was suffocated by the overwhelming white comforter pulled towards his chest. The fluffy sheets and the relaxing sounds of the domain soothed the small hero to sleep. He clutched that very comforter against him for dear life, never having slept this comfortably in months. Yes, the soft bed was appreciated and the sounds of waterfalls in the distance helped, but nothing let him rest as much as having the prince to hold him. Knowing that the prince was here, and knowing that he wasn't upset, made the fog that plagued his mind finally clear. Made him ever so thankfully sleep peacefully on this night.

What the hylian did not know, was how those burdens that allowed him to rest in this moment had condemned the other's mind instead.

Sidon held Link close to him under these covers. His giant hand engulfing the smaller's entire stomach, and often rubbing gentle circles against it. He layed there thinking. He thought of every single problem that became after hearing such big news.

How was he meant to take care of this? If anyone knew of the scandals the prince had committed behind closed doors, he's sure he'd be dethroned. What about Yona? She doesn't deserve this hurt. Not after Sidon had already gone along with this arranged marriage; never speaking up against it once. Would his father disown him in fury, or accept and consider that this could give him the heir that he's been ever so worried about? Sidon can't imagine he'd actually be considerate enough to choose the latter. Will the people understand his side? Or will they never look at him again, and embarrassingly have to call him king one day.

The prince is absolutely troubled no doubt. His face sternly stared past the balcony doors as he rested next to Link. Still holding him close, but still worried for their future too.

And what about Link? Does he want to keep the baby? Will the baby even survive the entire pregnancy? Will Link be able to safely deliver this baby? Sidon still had too many questions swimming around in his head, so distracted earlier to be able to voice them. As the night continued and he thought on these questions more however, he remembered link saying he's known for a month. One month is plenty of time to evaluate if you wanted to keep the baby, surely? Does this mean he does? That thought scared Sidon stiff. If Link put no effort in being selfless than how was Sidon supposed to either? How was Sidon not meant to care for him and their child as it grew each day? How was he not meant to worry about them or think about them every second? Does Link expect him to live a life of secrecy?

Sidon squinted his eyes shut with anger. He's tired and his head ached tremendously after worrying for the past thirty minutes. No more time should be spent stressing, he can only act now, is what he told himself. And in order to act right he needs sleep, he needs a pause from all this dread.

After rubbing his face and stepping back into reality, he focused more on the hylian in front of him. Focused more on Link right now.

He readjusted his hand back over the soft skin on the others stomach. Dragging himself closer to him as he tried his best to forget about their overlooking doom. Think about how much he loves him, would do just anything for him.

This is what's most important to Sidon, this very moment they shared presently. Instead he must mask his selfish priorities and replace them with frauds, however. The kind of frauds that appease the people; because in the end that's all he'll ever be to the public. A liar. A very good liar at that.

These shared moments must be left to secrecy, there is no other way.

The blackness turned shades lighter in an instant. Now an annoying dull peach color, such a surprise that Link was forced to crack open his eyes. That soon proved to be a worse idea as the brightness that shown through his bedroom assaulted those dead blue things, closing and squinting tightly after.

His limbs pushed through the thick comforter that surrounded him, endlessly searching for something; someone. That search had stalled when he couldn't feel his prince lying with him. His mind now claimed his body to be unreliable, having no other choice but to confront the rude light and try looking with his eyes once more.

After looking to each side of himself and everywhere else in the room, Link had realized that Sidon was no longer with him.

The tiredness that was permanent on his face saddened longingly. Knowing that he had just walked away again, away from him, stung the hylians poor, small heart. Now as he was sitting up, and looking upon the empty room before him, did that plaguing familiar frown return. Reclaiming its favorite spot on Link's face; it's home.

Coming to terms with those forever shallow feelings, he squirmed out of the white clouds that entangled him. Jumping down from the tall zoran bed and onto the hard crystal flooring that made the domain. His heals pang with a thud against the luminous stone, aggressively, but wasn't of enough pain to effect the hero.

Now his mind unconsciously giving into these doubts and troubles, had caused him to stand in front of the mirror wall. Deadly judging the thing that challenged his burning stare; his brows hung low.

This average tunic used to make him look strong, accentuate his muscular build, but now it made him look pampered. The muscle Link recalls having had smoothed over, and the abs that he once worked so hard for were starting to soften. Living months inside these castle walls had spoiled this hero, now holding proof that grew within him. He had become so accustomed to settling down in one place, relaxing and indulging, that now his reflection was soiled. Without training his body every second to become as masculine as achievable, his normal, average body looked so disgusting feminine to him.

To add on top of his wide curved hips, or rose kissed lips, Link has become pregnant. Something this man has only seen women achieve. He wanted to cry, but did champions cry out of inconvenience? No, of course not. He must wallow in his own self pity internally for now, hopefully never to be voiced.

Out of obnoxious curiosity, his body flipped to stare at his side profile. Instinctively, and immediately putting a hand over his soft, flat stomach. Thinking that maybe his child would be more noticeable today; he remained incorrect. All that lied was his embarrassingly cushioned belly, making room for its inevitable enlargement sooner or later.

Even prior to Sidon expressing his happiness towards their child, Link wanted this however. He wanted to settle down further, find other purpose in life other than being named the chosen hero. The miracle he was bestowed with shall never be taken for granted; not for a single second. He's overjoyed that the one he carries a child for is Sidon, his beloved.

But this is his choice. This is his body.

If becoming more feminine is the cost, Link shall pay it. The future that this promises is too priceless not to try. Sidon alongside him or not.

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