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It had been a long while since I had graduated highschool. And I was glad. Why? Because unlike most people I knew, I fucking hated highschool. No, I did not peak in highschool, in fact I never peaked, ever. And I've been fine with it. I don't like people anyways. Most of all I don't like her - Miss McBitch.

Prom queen, blonde beauty, daddys princess, spoiled brat, your usual highschool bully bitch. And her then boyfriend - Chad Somethingfellow. Peas for brains but muscles galore. Obviously the perfect prom king and queen. But I didn't care then, I didn't even attend prom, I was in my happy place - in between lines and lines of code. And I still don't care now.
Even when her blonde babe ass hauled herself to Crabs Palace - the chinese place below my apartment. But I did care when Mr. Han, the sweet old restaurant owner, rang the bell to summon me downstairs because the blonde bitch demanded to see me.

As I stood near the cash register looking at her standing outside with her gazillion gorilla looking bodyguards, I got to take a good look at her. Obviously it wasn't like I had not stalked her instagram profile before, everyone does that! But the neon lights of the small dingy chinese restaurant show things that the filters hide.

And my oh my, Sofia Manchestes looked even better under the damn neon lights. Now, I know people say that I have shit standards for the people I choose to date, sure some of them were too (no hate to any of my ex girls and boys, but y'all were trash). But she was actually hot.
I don't know how someone can get hotter after puberty, but she did. And in comparison to her long legs, perfectly curved waist and "perky chest" I felt really insecure under my XXXL TShirt that hid my frame completely.

"So you're just going to keep eying her or will you make a move, Barracks?" I heard the Hans' youngest son chirp from behind the register.

"Why don't you count out the change doofus." I hate kids.

"You know, you're the first lesbian I've met that can't even talk to a girl."

I did not entertain the brat with a response. Did I mention that I hate kids?

As I walked out the glass doors towards the limo parked awkwardly on the street, her guards immediately surrounded me.

As one of the gorilla guys came towards me, palms out and an almost dead cold look, his eyes lost behind the black glasses, I almost whipped my pocket knife at him. "Yo! Jesus Christ! What the fuck dude? Back the fuck up or else I swear to god I wil cut your dumb bitch self."

"Don't take the lord's name in vain." came her voice from behind the hoard of goons, almost as sweet as honey, almost. I had also, in the midst of admiring her, forgotten that beneath all that gorgeousness was a vicious snake.

"Get in." she said as one of her guys (I don't know if he was the same one, they all looked the same) opened up the door for us. I could see neon pink lights, bottles of champagne and what looked to be a duffle bag behind the door.

"Bitch? Are you serious? I'm not getting into that."

It felt like that was the first time in her life that anyone in her family had been denied something, at least that's what her facial expressions showed.

"What? Why?" That, dear friends, was unfortunately not the dumbest thing I had heard coming from her mouth. I don't know how she was even in AP calculus, probably something to do with her daddy's money. I don't know what exactly he did but it was obvious that he wasn't selling bibles at camp. But I digress.

"What do you mean why? I'm not getting into some car with you, especially not after the gorilla guy over here just tried his hands on me. Stranger danger, ever heard of that?"

"Now come on Alex, we both know that you and I are the complete opposite of strangers."

"Are you serious? You know what, I don't even care. Why are you even here? What do you want? And don't give me some bullshit reason like you missed me." Our history was very complex, I'll get to it.

"Will you relax? I'll tell you but before that I need you to get into the car. Don't give me that look, just get in!" As she got in.

Reluctantly, as I envisioned all the news headlines that would come out following this moment regarding my not-so-shocking demise (Computer idiot gets stabbed to death in posh limousine was my top pick), I got into the damn car only to be hit on the face by the smell of expensive perfume mixed with alcohol and something else I couldn't figure out but I guessed was something to do with rich people stuff.

As I got myself comfortable she pulled out a fresh bottle out of the wine cooler and introduced it as something French. I didn't even bother memorizing the name of it, if she was going to poison me with something that sounded French, I didn't mind.

As he poured the drink into a class curvier than herself, I caught her looking me up and down. Once again, the feeling of self consciousness hit me like a wave, I tried to push it to the back of my head as she pushed the glass towards me.

"Here's to a special new business venture." she said in that honey soaked voice as she touched my glass with hers.

"Wait what? What do you mean?"

"I've got a business offer for you, one which you can't refuse.".

I hated cringey movie references.

"Yea no shit Sherlock, I figured as much. What business? And just so you know, I'm not doing any of that underground stuff, I may not be the most ethical person but I'm not down for illegal shit, if thats what youre here for, I'm out."

"Why would you think I was coming to you for something illegal?". Suddenly a dark look crossed her face, her emerald eyes were now a dark brown shade (if you're wondering why I knew her eye color, shut up).

"I don't know, you're telling me you don't do anything illegal with these gorilla dudes? That's a wasted opportunity."

I shrugged it off but what I didn't notice was that the intense look was still beneath her eyes as I was gulping down the bubbly.

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