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Shit. I had fucked up. And very majorly.

‘Wow! How did you even manage to mess everything so good and so quickly? And over her dead mother too? Wow! Why don’t you give her shit about her royally fucked up father too next time and don’t forget to bring up every single thing she might be insecure about. Oh wait, you won't even get a next time, she literally kicked you out.’

Before my inner dialogue could pull my entire soul to shreds I was interrupted by the Manchests’ maid. She looked me up and down in a disgusted look and pushed past me. Wow, way to go, getting hated by the freaking maid too!

As I was trying to navigate my way out of the haunting mansion, which was becoming increasingly claustrophobic, I was face to face once again with the menacing cedar door of Alberto Manchests’ room.

How the hell do I always end up here?

I tried to go away, combust into a ball of flames or just conjure up magic to tear open the earth and bury myself into the depths of hell. Anyway to get rid of the growing desire to step into the room. I wanted to look around, roam around the floorspace, check each drawer, maybe even rip up the damn floorboards. I wanted to take a very deep dive into this man's life, and what better way than his office, which probably held enough secrets for me to get something about him.
But ofcourse the fact remained that this man was very dangerous, and probably not the best idea to be invading his space, especially when I had just been chucked out by his daughter.

Did I mention that I liked taking risks?
And what can be a bigger risk than sneaking into the office of this multi-millionaire, possible hitman, very dangerous and good looking man.
One little peak, that's all I needed. Or so I told myself as I slightly pushed the huge double doors and stopped into the room not even taking a second to think that maybe he might be in.

Thankfully, he wasn't. As I walked into the polished room a sudden chill went through me. The room had a bad aura.

Right infront was the giant table with the huge leather backed black chair. More like a throne. I imagined him sitting there, doing god knows what. I had to figure that out.
On the huge table was a 32” imac.

Aha! Now this was familiar territory.

I turned on the power button and up came the annoying page asking for the password. Shit. I had not thought this through.  I could hear commotion outside, and somewhere there Sofia was crying her lungs out, all because of me. And here I was trying to hack into her father’s computer. I hated myself so much at that moment.
But at the same time I was hungry for the truth. Since the computer wasn't going to lead me anywhere in that moment I had to look around elsewhere.
I turned to the drawers lining throughout the desk. And guess what, each one of them was locked shut. Just my luck. All I had to go off of were the things on the table top. Which were not a lot.

He was definitely a clean freak, if it was not obvious from the sparkling clean office, the tabletops and desk had almost nothing on them, atleast nothing on them that were useful to me. I was sure the gold paperweight on his desk and the vases lining the tables were probably worth more than all my organs combined.

My eyes went to the small stack of papers sitting under the golden paperweight. He kept them out in plain sight, either that meant they were not important or they were immediately required and he would probably come in any moment to get them.
I took photographs of all the documents as quickly as I could.

I could hear commotion on the other side of the hallway. Even though it was a huge house, if someone was to hear even the slightest noise from me here they could get here as fast as light. Especially after that stink eye, I think Sola would be the first person to catch me red handed.

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