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HOLY FUCK!!!! I seem to say that a lot around the Manchestes family. And how can I not!?

The most perfect looking man in history just stood before me, brooding over a glass of whiskey as we walked in. 6 feet tall, the shirt hugging his biceps so perfect I was jealous of the damn thing, dark, handsome, those same mesmerizing emerald eyes only more piercing, and that voice, oh god. I couldnt help but look him over twice, like a fucking greek god but only better. One look at him and I almost gasped audibly.
Don't get me wrong, I am a lesbian, but geez, that man could make me flip. My gaze turned towards Sofia. She looked too much like him, I could see the resemblance. I was in a room with two drop dead gorgeous human beings. God really has his favorites and they all seem to stem from this family. And now I was stuck with them.

All of a sudden I felt really self conscious. How was I even allowed to be in the same room as these people?

Did I mention his voice? Holy shit! His voice was raspy but in a way that made me involuntarily press my thighs together. And something about him, it felt so irresistibly charming. I kept gazing at his arms, the way his shirt was perfectly folden to his elbows. Beyond them his massive biceps stretched the shirt lovingly. I gazed at his chest and veins on his neck, involuntarily imagining what it would be like to kiss them. I couldn't help but scan the little details on his face, the small scar on his eyebrow, or the way his eyes changed colors as his mood changed from annoyed to angry, the small crease of a dimple when he smiled. His messy hair looked perfectly imperfect, with the smallest hints of gray at his temples making him look even wiser.

All of sudden I was jolted awake from my daydreams by his thick heavy voice

“And you must be Sofia's friend?”

Shit. I was so busy drooling over the man and his voice that I didn't even notice the actual conversation. Thankfully, before I opened my mouth and spilled everything, Sofia came to my rescue.

“Yes, dad, I was just about to tell you.”


I was soon ushered out by the stern looking househelp. I could see the look of judgment in her eyes as she showed me to a room twice the size of my entire apartment. I felt very uncomfortable and conscious of myself but I stood feigning confidence as I thanked her for the help. No words were exchanged as she walked out the door, giving a slight nod as she closed the door behind her.

Things seemed to be that way around the Manchester manor. Not a lot of words go around but each word holds a lot of weight. The place held secrets and I had to find them.

But first, a security check.

Some people might say that I'm paranoid. But coming from my field, you can never be too careful. But I decided to give the Manchestes family the benefit of the doubt and instead of my regular heavy duty surveillance finder kit (yes, that's what I call it) I decided to go the old school way. A thorough sweep in the dark with a flashlight and the room appeared all clear.

Now for the more difficult task, setting up surveillance. Now, I know that it is wrong on many levels. And personally, it goes against my morals too. But when a gorgeous lady is paying that much money, you go above and beyond.

Did the aforementioned lady know of the tactics?

No. But I was not going to give out my trade secrets just like that.

The moonlight shone into the sprawling room, I held my breath as each second passed. Waiting for the house to fall asleep.

Sofia had visited me an hour ago, making sure I settled in, a quick glance at my set-up, de-brief into what the next few days should look like, she was gone. And then there was silence.

The problem with these huge mansions was that you never knew what was happening at the other end of the house. It was basically impossible for me to even guess what was going on in Alberto Manchetes’ room, let alone get inside and place my kit in there.

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