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‘This girl is trouble.’ I had to remind myself as I almost bumped into the girl as she stood outside my door, almost suspiciously. Girls like her were mostly up to no good, and I wasn't naive enough to think that these kids were any different.
But that didn't stop me from taking her beautiful sight in. She was a thing of beauty and I could tell, no matter how hard she tried to hide it in those baggy clothes, some of that slipped past.

She mumbled a small apology and a lame excuse. I immediately caught her lie but decided not to make a big deal of it, I had bigger things in mind. More pressing matters held my attention as I dragged myself away from thoughts of her and drove off.

There was a chance that she was trying to spy on me. But of course there was nothing she would find. Kids these days forget that we were not born yesterday. Who even keeps incriminating evidence in their houses anymore?
I chuckled at the stupidity as I pulled into port Newark. There was a new shipment in and I needed to get my hands on it.

I walked in and was greeted by my closest buddy and business partner, Kory Rosso. Him and I went way back, so when I found out he needed a small hand in setting a few things straight, I didn't shy away from offering my support, just like a real brother does.

“Waddup big man” Kory greeted me, casual as always. When you've been brothers for long enough and dealt with enough shit together, the niceties go out the window.

“Yea K, let's get this little bitch.” we were off.

He snickered as we wandered through the lines of containers, ready to take away things and bring some sweeter things back. Of course the problem was that there was an ant infestation. And I was about to get rid of it.

As we breezed past cargo, the entire port memorized like the back of our hands, I couldn't help but go back to the time when we were the youngins, when we had to work our asses off to actually make these businesses and build everything up from scratch. And ofcourse we never got the wholesome rags to riches story either, everything came crumbling down a million times. But I persevered, and I had my brother with me. That's how we became the best in the business.

Unlike these pigs of today, who think just stealing will get them the name, fame and money they're after. What they don't realize is that all they are going to get is an ass whooping.

And an ass whopping we delivered.

I bumped into Mirrio Locas as he was supervising the ‘unloading’ of the newest shipment. Now, keep in mind, I don't have a problem with anyone doing business honestly and in their own way. But when you go out stealing and getting stuff under someone else's name, now that's a problem.

And that is exactly what young Mirrio was doing.  He just didn't know we were aware of his games. There were others like him, but the main focus was on this young lad. Some of you don't know the amount of pain a man goes through seeing his hard earned business fall into ruins just because some punk ass kid you took in decides to screw you over.

“Yo, what's up Ronny? Fancy seeing you here in this part of town. Weren't you like on bedrest or something?”

“News traveled fast on the streets, but faster are the rats. And they are not loyal to anyone, are they Locas?”

“What are you getting at Ronny? Are we going to have a problem?”
He flexed his muscles, the tattoos on his arm distorted by the muscles.

“I don't know boy, are we? Why don't you explain what you're doing here?”

“Do you really want to do this old man? I mean, are you really going to start picking fights with your brothers now?”

“I don't think you understand the meaning of brother.” K strutted out from behind a container and locked eyes with the little pendeja.

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