17 years later, (y/n) Jr was your normal demon/human hybrid. After the events of Henry and Ellen, everyone has moved on with their lives. Expect for Beelzebub. She can't move on from (y/n) because he was her lover, but that changed when (y/n) was tu...
(I'll like to start out by saying thank you to MrDerp1 for making a cross-over with me, I took a character of his to my story as a side character, and in return. I gave him permission to use one of my characters. Make sure to check him out after you read this chapter because he/she is amazing at writing books. Check out Futuristic world (furry x human) it's amazing. Thanks again to MrDerp1 for doing a cross-over with me. Now then, let's get to it.)
(3rd person POV)
Ellen stands beside the doorway, and a figure comes out. Everyone looked disgusted, except for Malick. Who looks impressed
Malick: Hey Henry, how are you feeling?
Revenant: That's Henry?
The entity now known as Henry has come back to life, but he is all mechanical with flesh on some parts of his body.
Henry v1.20: (Y/n), how good to see you again
Revenant: What the fuck happened to you Henry?
Singularity: My name is no longer Henry. It's the Singularity now
Revenant: Copy cat
Singularity: How so?
Revenant: I've made a name for myself, but you must have known about me the entire time
Singularity: I am now a machine, smarter, faster, deadlier~
Moxxie: Sounds cool
Singularity: Thank you, possum
Moxxie: I'm not a possum
Beelzebub: So, Henry was being worked on this entire time?
Singularity: After (y/n) tore me to shreds, Ellen came to my aid and was working on me. Unlike (y/n), I was grateful for my new body.
Revenant: You took my free will away
Singularity: An look where you are now
Malick: Focus up, we need to make a plan on how to get (y/n)s body back
Singularity: Why?
Malick: I'm a changed demon, and I don't think (y/n) did anything wrong
Singularity: You're lucky (y/n). If you were still my enemy, I would have been tearing you up piece by piece right now
Malick snaps his fingers, to which some butlers came up and gave him a drink, which looks like alcohol.
Malick: Now then, plans. Anyone?
Singularity: I think we should use the crystal you found to track this thing
Revenant: Not bad
Malick: In deed, but the crystal is unstable
Singularity: I'll be fine
Beelzebub: Be careful
Singularity: Thanks, Bee
Henry, aka the singularity, walked up to the crystal limping as he does so. He takes off the lid and picks it up and crushes it, but the crystal turns to dust and is being examined by the singularity. Then he stops and loads the new data. He comes back to life and clears the dust of his claw, and puts it back into the container.
Singularity: It's located at an old abandoned warehouse on 666 main Street
Revenant: Alright, let's go
Malick: Woah woah woah, we can't go just like that
Revenant: Why not?
Malick: Let's just relax and chill in the living room, then we'll prepare for the fight. SAPPHIRE!!!
Someone came running out a set of doors and coming in the living room. Nobody expected Malick to have a furry in his home. She was kinda revealing but cute looking. She has a visor on her head with white fur.
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Sapphire: Yes
Malick: Can you go quickly tell my lab nerds to ready up some of my weapons, please?
Sapphire: Sure *walks away*
Revenant: What the hell was that
Malick: Oh, her. Her name is Sapphire, and she's a protogen
Lucy: You like furries?
Malick: What is loona right now?
Loona: Fuck off
Revenant: Mmrh
The group sat around each other talking about some random stuff, but someone came up behind Revenant and tap on his shoulder. He turns around
Revenant: ?
Sapphire: Hey
Revenant: your Sapphire?
Sapphire: Yup, you must be (y/n), aka Revenant
Revenant: Yes, I am. How did Malick make you?
Sapphire: That's the thing, I don't know. I was walking with my friend, when a portal showed. It started to suck me in, then I lost my grip and... I'm here
Revenant: Interesting
Malick: Alright everyone, time for bed. We have a big day ahead of us
Sapphire walked away with joy while Revenant stood there, but he walked to a empty room beside Beelzebubs room and entered. Tomorrow is the day where Revenant gets his body back, but short story. He doesn't, but he can dream all he wants.