(3rd person POV)
Everyone was gathered in the living room drinking coffee to wake themselves up for the day, but Revenant can't drink or eat. So that's good, I guess
Malick: Good morning, lads
Revenant: Morning asshole
Malick: Still skeptical of me, huh?
Revenant: Of course, you almost killed me one time
Malick: Good thing I didn't
Revenant: Whatever
Beelzebub: Hey guys, nice to see that (y/n) isn't at your throat
Malick: Literally
Revenant: I still don't trust him, but it's nice to see that you might have changed
Malick: Awwwww, you gave a compliment. That's not you~
Revenant: I can change to
Beelzebub: It's good seeing you two getting alone
There's a knock on the door, Malick went up to it and opened it. Two demons came inside. Dave, Dusty, Lucy, Beelzebub, and Revenant. Look in surprise.
Julie: What's up bitches!
Archie: Hey guys
Dusty: No fucking way
Revenant: Their still alive?!
Julie: Who's the tin can?
Beelzebub: Right, you guys weren't there. Meet Revenant. He's...
Archie: I've heard about Revenant, I like your work
Beelzebub: He's (y/n)
Julie: Wait, what?!
Revenant: I was turned into this monster by Henry over there.
Singularity: For the last time (y/n), my new name is the Singularity
Archie: You guys seen better days
Revenant: I feel so loved. *says sarcastically*
Beelzebub: What have you guys been up to for over 18 years?
Julie: Should we tell them?
Archie: Of course
Julie: Archie and I are married
Lucy: Awwww, no way!
Dusty: Congrats, guys
Archie: That's not all, we're having a kid
Beelzebub: Like (y/n) and I
Julie: You had a kid? I bet he has the same beautiful colors as you
Beelzebub: He does
Julie: Awwww, where is he?
Revenant: Back home, where it's safe. Angel Dust is watching him
Archie: Wait, Angel Dust? Like the pornstar?
Revenant: Yup, Dusty introduced us to him when I was 17, and still human
Julie: The memories, I remember I tried to capture you for Malick. I was surprised he was still alive when he contacted us
Malick: It's still nice to see my two old colleagues
Beelzebub: Are you still known as the mimic?
Archie: Nope, that ship has sailed, but I can still use my power
Julie: Why are we here again?
Malick: To help (y/n) get his body back, be a hero again
Beelzebub: Hero's? Really? I'm a mother
Revenant: I'm a father
Julie: I have an unborn child
Moxxie: Millie and I are married
Loona: And I'm in love with Jeremy
Blitzo turned his head to loona
Blitzo: What?
Loona: Did you not hear me getting fucked by Jeremy?
Jeremy: I can explain
Blitzo: No need, my daughter is old enough
Ellen: Told you they wouldn't do it again, pay up Stella
Stella: Fuck, how am I supposed to know if their coming back to be Hero's again
Ellen: That's the thing, you don't
Malick: Look, there is someone running around with (y/n)s body. I'm doing this so I can prove to (y/n) that I really did change
Singularity: Don't expect me to change
Ellen: I know you won't, honey~
Singularity: Woah, what?
Revenant: Henry's right. He is ugly
Singularity: I'll give you a pass on that (y/n)
Ellen: I don't care what you look like, I just miss you~
Revenant: Oh my- Ugh, Love makes me weak
Beelzebub: You love me
Revenant: I uhhhhh, touche
Malick: Now we know the location of this mysterious person thanks to the Singularity. Let's go get them
Archie: I don't think so, you guys can go. We're not
Beelzebub: Why?
Julie: I don't wanna get hurt, I'm pregnant
Beelzebub: I can relate
Malick: Ok, fine. You touched my heart, you two can stay. But for everyone else, come on. We have work to do
Revenant: I can't wait to tear them apart

Unspoken Love (Beelzebub x male reader book 3)
Fanfiction17 years later, (y/n) Jr was your normal demon/human hybrid. After the events of Henry and Ellen, everyone has moved on with their lives. Expect for Beelzebub. She can't move on from (y/n) because he was her lover, but that changed when (y/n) was tu...