Chapter 24, Revenant army

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(Meanwhile, back at Verconna's lair)

Verconna was thinking about her next move, but she couldn't piece together a good plan. She did get all of Revenants' extra bodies from a lab

Verconna: REV!!!

Revenant: What!

Verconna: Watch your tone. You were supposed to stop (y/n) Jr. from getting away!

Revenant: I was in another room you dumb bitch!

Verconna: How dare you! You're not supposed to talk back to your queen!

Revenant: Whatever

Verconna: Look, I got all your bodies. So if you die, you have more. We have a Revenant army, but I wanna give you something

Revenant: What?

Verconna hands over a hard drive containing all of Revenant's controls, but Revenant had a little chuckle

Verconna: What's so funny?

Revenant: You gave me all my controls, I like that

Verconna: That's right, you can be in control of yourself

Revenant: That's the thing, I always had control

While they were talking, a Revenant body dropped down alive and active. The clone walked up behind Verconna and stabbed her through her chest. Verconna eyes widened, and the Revenant clone dropped her on the ground. The rest of the clones dropped down and started ripping her to shreds.

The aether troops saw this and opened fire, but that didn't work. The clones used Revenant's shadow pounce ability to jump at them and started killing them all.

Red eyed Revenant: Blood shed, I love it~

(Boom, you readers thought that Verconna was the new villain? Nope, plot twist baby. Yeah, sure, I'm using Apex Lore, a bit. But it was bound to happen eventually)

(Back with the group)

Beelzebub and Jeremy were sitting across from each other and drinking coffee. It was morning.

Jeremy: So, uhhhh, wanna explain your loudness yesterday night?

Beelzebubs cheeks turned red and looked away.

Beelzebub: Look, I was enjoying the moment with (y/n) again

Jeremy: You ate him, didn't you

Beelzebub: I couldn't help myself, but he's in bed still. He's very tired

There was a knock on the door, Beelzebub got up and answered it. She shaw Revenant, but he's different. His eyes were red.

Beelzebub: Revenant?

Red eyed Revenant: Sorry to disturb you, but is (y/n) here

Beelzebub: Nice try, but I won't fall for that. Your evil

Red eyed Revenant: Why can't you trust me?

Beelzebub: You tortured him

Red eyed Revenant: Fuck it

Red eyes Revenant steps back and his clones bust through the door and walked inside. There were about 10

Jeremy: Bee? What's going-

Loona: Why the fuck is there so many Revenant's? Why are they all grey?

Slowly, everyone walked into the living room and saw tons of Revenants

Singularity: This can't be good

Red eyed Revenant: Where is (y/n)!

(Y/n): Right here asshole

(Y/n) punched the main Revenant, knocking him back into a wall. Every Revenant looked at the group. Then everyone heard Malick say, "FIGHT!!!"

The fight has begun, and already. Some Revenants got destroyed while the red eyed Revenant came out the wall and stared at them. A clone Revenant tried to stab Bee, but (y/n) punched him and destroyed the clone in pieces. (Y/n) has found his power again

Red eyed Revenant: I'll be back, I have more than you can count!

The red eyed Revenant ran away outside and disappeared. Everyone looked at each other.

Beelzebub: You found your power!

(Y/n): I just had to stick a fork in an outlet to recharge my power. You gotta remember. I'm immune to any electricity

Stolas: Are we not going to talk about the robot?

Jeremy: That was Revenant, that used to be (y/n). But now he's out, demons around hell were calling (y/n) that because he was a force to be reckoned with

Malick: Here's the question: How did he get more of himself?

(Y/n): There was a lab filled with more bodies if I killed myself. My conscience would be put into another body

Ellen: It looks like the one with the red eyes was the strongest. He's the "real" Revenant

Blitzo: Great, now we gotta deal with Verconna and this Revenant army.

Beelzebub: Who knows the most about robots?

Everyone stayed quiet, and then they all got the same idea. Asmodeus

(Quick note, I'll be taking the rest of the year off because I wanna spend some time with my family. Marry motherfucken Christmas yall!!!)

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