Chapter 9, hang out with friend's and family

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(3rd person POV)

Beelzebub was sitting on the opposite side of the couch watching (y/n) and (y/n) talk to each other, but Beelzebub didn't mind it because (y/n) really wanted to talk to his son. Instead of being a jerk and moody, (y/n) was actually nice, but that's because he's talking to his son.

Lucy: Everything alright here, Bee?

Beelzebub: Yeah, seeing (y/n) again makes me happy. It looks like (y/n) Jr. doesn't mind his father being a robot

Lucy: I still have a bad feeling about (y/n)

Beelzebub: What is your problem!

Lucy: He abandoned you and (y/n) Jr. That's why I don't like him, but he's back. Don't give him your full trust yet

Beelzebub: If your going to be a bitch over this. Leave me alone

Lucy: Ugh, fine

Beelzebub sat their thinking about (y/n). May be she's right, no. She's can't be. There was a knock on the door, and Beelzebub got up and answered it. It was the helluva boss gang

Beelzebub: Hey guys, so nice to see you

Blitzo: There's my favorite woman. You texted us saying (y/n) is back?

Beelzebub: Yes, come in

The helluva boss gang walked in and was greeted by Dusty, Dave, and Lucy. But where's Jeremy?

Jeremy: *walks in* I thought I heard some familiar voices

Millie: Jeremy! And you're still alive. You son of a bitch

Jeremy: Alive and kicking, nice to see you all again

Loona: Did you forget about me~

Jeremy: Oh fuck

Blitzo: What's wrong Jeremy, do you not like Loona?

Jeremy: Not after that incident when she ate me

Moxxie: You're still thinking about that? Dude, it's been 17 years

Jeremy: Unlike you guys, my life has been really rough after the fight between us and Henry

Loona: How so?

Jeremy: My mother died

Beelzebub: Mary!

Jeremy: No, no. That's (y/n)s mom. She's really healthy right now

Beelzebub: That's good, but I'm sorry about your loss

Jeremy: It's whatever

Revenant: A reunion party now, huh?

Blitzo: Woah, you are one scary son of a bitch

Revenant: Damn right

Loona: The last time I saw you was when you were still human

Revenant: *grunts*

Jeremy: Well, I should be going *lie*

Loona: Can we talk?

Jeremy: Why?

Loona: Alone

Jeremy: Haha, you got me fucked up if you think I'm that stupid

Loona: I'm serious

Blitzo: Remember Jeremy, if she tires to get to your dick. Don't scream. She'll do stuff you don't like

Jeremy: Gee, thanks, Blitzo, for the heads up

Loona: Come on

Loona grabs Jeremy and pulls him away into a spare bedroom. Revenant looked at Beelzebub.

Revenant: I had a good time with my son, but I need a little shut eye. Where is a place where I can sleep

Beelzebub: You can just sleep in my bed for now (y/n)

Revenant: Thanks

(Y/n) Jr: Talk to you later, dad. I love you

Revenant: Haha, love you too, son~

Jessica: Finally, some time with my man~

Beelzebub: Treat him well, Jessica. He likes attention

Jessica: I know *sits on his lap*

Blitzo: Nice to know that your son got a girlfriend before me

Beelzebub: I bet someone out there is trying to find someone too, wait. What about Stolas?

Blitzo: Don't. Say his name, please

Beelzebub: What happened?

Blitzo: I don't want to talk about it *sits on couch*

Dusty: I still believe in you Blitzo, you can find somebody

Blitzo: Oh yeah? Did you start dating Dave yet?

Dusty: Actually, I forgot to say that to you guys

Beelzebub: Your dating, Dave?! *smiles*

Dave: You bet your ass

Lucy: It's nice to see my brother with someone now, I'm happy that he chose our friend

Dave: We are more than friends. We are a family. Embrace it

(Y/n) Jr: Question

Dave: Yes?

(Y/n) Jr: Who's bottom?

Everyone in the room started laughing, including Dave and Dusty

Dusty: I'm always top. He wants to be dominated

(Y/n) Jr: Hey, same here!

Beelzebub: You... like to be dominated, son?

(Y/n) Jr: That's why I chose a hell hound

Everyone in the room started laughing again, but Beelzebub is still in shock that her son would definitely be a top. But she didn't judge.

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