Chapter 7, The truth

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(3rd person POV)

Everyone sat around the table, ready to tell (y/n) Jr the truth about his father and their back story.

Beelzebub: Son, what I'm about to tell you is the truth. You asked for this, okay?

(Y/n) Jr: Alright?

Jeremy: Bee, I can tell him. I'm friends with him

Beelzebub: Go ahead

Jeremy: (y/n) Jr, 17 years ago. I was your father's best friend, I was there for him. He was there for me, but that all changed when he was turned into a monster

(Y/n) Jr: A monster?

Dusty: He was turned into a killing machine, a robot

(Y/n) Jr: What

Jessica: Oh shit. I get it now

Beelzebub: He's the robot you saw on the streets

(Y/n) Jr: Wait, He's Revenant?

Lucy: Yes

(Y/n) Jr: Why did he leave

Beelzebub: He's doesn't want to raise you while he was a robot

(Y/n) Jr eyes began to tear up from the news. He couldn't understand why he left. (Y/n) Jr. didn't care if he was a monster. He just wanted a father to play catch with.

Beelzebub: I know this is hard, but this is the-

(Y/n) Jr: Don't touch me

Dave: (y/n) Jr, he was also a human

(Y/n) Jr: I know he was

Beelzebub: How?

(Y/n) Jr: I heard it with my own two ears when I was seven

Beelzebub: You knew this, all this time

(Y/n) Jr: I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!

(Y/n) Jr ran to his room and slammed it from anger and sadness. Everyone looked at each other. Beelzebub began to cry.

Beelzebub: That's why I didn't want to tell him at all

Dusty: It had to be done. He needs to-

???: Do you ever get the feeling like you're alone in a room? Because you're not

Everyone turned to the voice, and the mysterious person stepped out from the shadows. It's Revenant

Beelzebub: (y/n)?

Revenant: Don't call me that. It's Revenant now

Jeremy: It's been some time. Huh

Revenant: I'm not here for any of you clowns. I'm here to see my son

Beelzebub: You're taking him?!

Revenant: What? Fuck no, I wouldn't do that to you. I just want to see him again

Dusty: You don't deserve to see him. You ran away

Revenant: I did it to protect them, and you should watch what you're saying to me. I could kill you right here and right now if I want to

Jessica: I'm going to comfort (y/n) Jr

Revenant: Like hell, you are

Revenant grabbed Jessica's wrist and pulled her back, making her fall on her butt.

Revenant: I'm seeing, I can't wait anymore. I tried to find my body, but I couldn't

Jessica: I'm suing you

Revenant: Good luck with that

Beelzebub: (Y/n), he needs some alone time

Revenant: I told you not to call me that

Beelzebub: I don't care. You're still (y/n). The (y/n) that I love

Revenant: Nice to know you still love me, but I can't say the same. Once I get my human body back, I'll come back

Dave: Bee's right. He needs some alone time.

Revenant: Just let me see him, I won't talk to him

Beelzebub: Fine

Revenant went upstairs and opened his sons room, but (y/n) Jr wasn't there. Revenant opened the door more and walked inside. He saw that his window is open. That only means one thing.

Revenant: Hey, Bee

Beelzebub: Yes (y/n)?

Revenant: Our son is gone

Beelzebub: WHAT?!

Dave: What do you mean?

Revenant: What do you think "gone" means retard

Dusty: He's not in the house?

Revenant: Nope

Beelzebub: I bet he went to go look for you

Revenant: Nice to know he still wants to see me. Some of his clothes are gone

Jeremy: Let's get him back

The group packs some stuff for two days and sets off to look for (y/n) Jr. in hell. Wherever he is.

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