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"Hey... It's ok... I can understand you now very well. You don't need to be troubled. Just think about fast recovery. I will leave then. "

My vision blurred with stream of tears and I really didn't wanted to hurt him after all he did for me. It's just me and my fears. I'm lonely person without no one. I'm afraid to fall in him because I know I will not able to make it out again if my heart get broken. I'm too weak to handle this much pain. Seeing his tears and he walked pass me.

I just dropped in my feet and shouted crying,
"Don't go... Please... Please stay with me!"

I said tears dripping eyes on the ground. He ran to me in snap and cups my face saying,

"Hey.. sh.. sh...don't cry... It's not good for you... Calm down... Calm down..."

(Hick) .. I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was too rude to you. I didn't meant to hurt you. "
I said crying. He hugged me giving soothing rubs in my back caressing my hair softly.

"You're not..naa...shuu... Don't cry now... Calm down Naa..."

"No I did...I'm sorry... I didn't mean to but I was afraid when you are so good to me. No one is good to me. Everyone will end up hurting me in the end. I was scared..."
I said honestly crying.

"Hey.. it's ok... I'm not someone like them. You can rely on me. I'm here. Naa...."
He said sincerely looking into my eyes.

"I was all alone. I don't have anyone to say mine. My friends never liked me. They bullied me. I don't have anyone to help me or listen to me. It's frustrating... It's hurting like a hell... "
I cried out my pain for the first time in his embrace.
He kept caressing me softly in a soothing manner saying,

"I can understand you Ohm...Just don't cry.. naa... it's not good with your condition..."

"I was scared Nanon... I'm sorry... "
I cried out apologising as I was afraid to lose this man . At least I hope to see his smile and kindness while I'm here. Seeing him here for the first time I felt interested to know him after a long time even though I lost all my interest. I found a new interest, new hope and I don't even know why or what those unknown feelings are.

"It's okay naa.... I'm not mad. Now get up...naa.... Please...!!"

He held me in my good arm and waist standing me up and guides me to the bed.  And wiped my tears away caressing my cheeks softly.

"Good boy... Now Have some water please..."

I nodded having a few sips  looking at him. He is looking at me smiling with the same heart eyes he always gives me. I'm glad they are back.
He then slowly laid me on my bed. And wiped my tears again.
I looked at him without breaking our eye contact and quickly held his hand before he took it asking,

"Wanna lie down?"
He looked at me surprisingly but his red blush on his face didn't go unnoticed to me. He is so cute .
He smiled awkwardly saying,

"I would love to but I'm afraid I will hurt your wounds in any way."

"Please... !!"
I said showing my puppy eyes and he laid on my good side and I snuggles into him.  I don't know what took over me to Be this confident . But I'm now more afraid to lose him. I don't know why I feel so comfort and safety in his arms. But I really like these new feelings.

"Nanon.. !!!"

"Hmm..." He hummed in response looking at me while still caressing my hair softly.

"Why are you really helping me... ??
I mean I heard you pay my bills. Also when inspectors were here you also helped me . And you bring me whatever I like and try to please me... Why are you doing all these for me... ?"
I asked honestly not wanting to jump on any conclusions.

He looks at me smiling and sincerely with the same heart eyes,

"If you want a specific answer I can't give you one for now as I'm also in discovery now.
But about the case of inspectors I did what should I do... I don't always agree with every rule. I have my own ethics. "

"I think you heard about bills from somewhere. "
(He asked sighing and I just nodded slightly)

He sighed mumbling
(Nurses and their nosy mouths)

"Well , I did what was good for that time. When I went through your reports and I saw your personalla... I didn't mean to pry even though I'm your doctor but I wanted to know you. So I looked through them and when I saw you wake up on the first day I was afraid you would try to leave so I did what I thought was good at that time.
But I didn't mean to hide it. I thought I would wait for the right time to tell about it because we were just only starting to get along. But nothing goes as it is. I know.. I hope you don't hate me for that. "
He said looking at me sincerely and I felt it . And how can I mad at him when he did all for my own good and hoping nothing in return. How can someone be selfless and lovely.

I snuggled into his chest saying,
"No I'm not... Actually.. Thank you so much. You treated me and looked after me so well. I don't know how to thank you for all these. But when I got my job back I'm gonna repay you. But I don't understand why you keep helping me without hoping for anything in return? "

He smiled hearing that and slick back my short  hair to corner of my ear ,

" As I told you I'm still on discovery on my own for that. Because I don't even know why I keep helping you. But I know one thing the moment I saw you I felt attached to you. In snap I was by your side from the day one of the accident. I just wanted to know you and see you well. And one thing I realised in these past few days is that I wanna see a smile on your face. And That's all. "
He said genuinely smiling at me.

"Will you stay by my side?
Can I believe in you...?"
I asked him honestly as I can't help feeling like this and I'm getting greedy for him... I know we both have these unknown feelings for each other but I wanna assure myself I will not be abandoned .

He smiled at me and peck on my forehead making me stunned. I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Of course I will and you can believe in me . "

I could only smile with tears because finally I found a comfort zone after years of agony. I didn't had anyone to rely on. Now I found someone, and complete stranger at the same time someone feels like rain to my droughtful life.

He wiped my tears and hugged me lightly not pressing any of my wounds saying,

"Now sleep naa..!"

I asked inhaling his baby smell which calms me,
"Will you leave..?"

"Nah... Don't worry.. I will not.. My shift starts morning. I will be with you all night."

I smiled happily and snuggled into his chest drifting to Dreamland without any  worry or fear knowing now I have someone with me. Someone who I can rely. Someone who I can trust blindly.



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