Prologue:The Story Of Mike

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I've started two other story called: an uncommon friend and with the creepypastas please check them out

Here he was sitting next to his best bud jimmy in class,focusing at the teacher who was explaining a lesson,while ignoring 5 bullies that were making fun of them.It was like this from when he was 12 year old he was being made fun of for three years.But that day Mike was angry at them a lot,
enough was enough,he bursted in anger and yelled at them saying to f***ing shut up.The teacher didn't say anything cause he knew that Mike was being mistreated by them,on the contrary he told the bullies to go to the principal which the latter expelled them ( they had done many other things like setting the principal's office desk on fire once).

The day continued normally until the end of the school time,Jimmy was saying all the time to Mike that he shouldn't have done that because the bullies were going to get retaliation,but Mike was shrugging it off,so while on their way home they were ambushed by the bullies that had with them two large chains that they wraped tightly around Mike's arms,and got him on his knees.Then they made him look as they were beating Jimmy,he was begging them to stop but to no vain,then one of them took out a knife that he had in his pocket and started stabbing jimmy in the gut repeatedly,which caused fatal damages to him,after that they were all laughing maniacally.Mike was looking so pale that he looks like a ghost,he was watching in horror Jimmy's bloodied corpse.Then a voice in his head kept screaming repeatedly "kill them" which made Mike go insane and the power that he was trying to hold cause he didn't want to harm anyone got out,he managed to escape from the grip of one of the bullies that was holding him by the chains,then he started swinging those chains around using them to beat and strangle all the bullies.he killed off 4,only their leader remained which begged him to be spared,but Mike said in a demonic tone
"you know i think i'm gonna like those chains,cause it kinda tells me that there's always consequences for every action and that I'm responsible of jimmy's death and you're responsible for yours,so it's all a big chain that shackles us and we're it's prisoners" after that he launched at him and punched him on the head,the punch was so strong that the bully instantly died.After that Mike advanced until he was above the corpse of jimmy he stood there for a couple of minutes until his tears fell out it was the first time he cried and he promised that it was his last time,he then said a prayer so that jimmy's soul could rest in peace and said farewell to his lost friend.He wanted To die,he then remembered that they were some rumors about a tall slender guy in a suit that lived in the forest,he then headed out to the heart of the forest where he sitted near a tree.
In the meantime Slenderman was seeing if there was anyone to stalk when he sensed an aura so demonic that it gave him shivers,he then went to where that aura was,and saw a teenager who was crying,but what caught his attention was those chains wrapped around teen's arms that were squeezing that were squeezing them to the point where it nearly ripped them from his body,he then proceeded carefully,but what he didn't know was that the teenager had remarked his presence,Mike said then "so you're here i've been waiting for you" Slenderman surprised,asked him who is he,mike said his name,then slender asked him what he's doing here,Mike then told him bluntly that he was searching for Slenderman so that he could be killed by him.Slenderman stood there in silence,even though he didn't have a face,mike knew what would be his expression,then slender asked him why,the latter responded "it's a long story",slender responded"i have time to listen",then Mike told him about what happened
Slender then said in what seemed a sad voice:"i'm sorry for your loss"
Mike asked slender:"so i've told you my story what's yours?"
Slender astonished by the question that no one even asked him started to feel sympathy for the teen he then told him his story
After that Mike said that they weren't both so different both were freaks that society rejected,and he even said to slender that he considered him as a friend
Slender touched by those words,asked Mike if he really wanted to die,he could live with him,but mike was still determined on his decision he wanted to die
Slender saddened said his farewell to his first and only friend then launched a tentacle that pearced Mike and killed him
Mike woke up later and found slender next to him,slender said:"so you're finally awake"
Mike asked why isn't he dead,then slender told him that after he pearced him,an aura enveloped Mike's body and started regenerating his wounds
Angry,mike responded:"guess that i'm immortal now"
Slender asked him again if he wanted to live with him,but mike refused once again.he said that he had some things to be finished with,and he left saying that they will meet again

After that a month passed and news on the journal said there was an international serial killer known as Mike"The Chain",which at every murder he does he writes with his victims blood "FEAR THE CHAINS"
After Reading this slender smiled and said to himself:"sounds like my friend has found his career"

So the story's prologue is finished,tell me guys if you liked the backstory of Mike and there are more chapters to come

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