Chapter 5:the threat

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Me:hey guys how are you?
Mike:they're fine just go on and start the writing
Me:No i've gotta make sure everybody is fine,and don't order me around,i'm your creator and i could be the reason of your death,so watch your tongue

Authors note:In this chapter there's a lot of POVs

~~~~~~~~ Jeff's POV~~~~~~~

I looked around to see if there was anyone worth fighting,but then i heard someone shouting:"Jeff where are you?"

So i searched for the owner of the voice,and i got to the front door,then when my eyes landed on the figure,i stood there in shock,tears started to flow,i couldn't believe it,he then said to me:"you're gonna pay jeff"
Then i responded:"b-but i thought that you were dead,how did you survive?"
The figure said:"oh i laid there waiting for help,as i put pressure on my wound,anyway it's time for you to die....Brother"

~~~~~~~~~Mike's POV~~~~~~~~~

When those words came out of the figures mouth i stood there shocked i directly knew that jeff was having somekind of an emotional breakdown,well who could blame the kid,each day he felt remorse for "killing his own brother",but to see that Liu survived,and now he wants to kill jeff.that must be hard on jeff poor guy

~~~~~~~~~Liu's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I stood there seeing jeff's tears flow,i thought that monsters don't cry,i took this moment and launched at him,i started to try to cut him,but he blocked my knife with his,while pleading me to forgive him,i won't forgive him he took away everything from me,he took my sanity and my parents,and i hate him for this,i need to get my revenge on him.

~~~~~~~~LJ's POV~~~~~~~

Poor jeff,if only i wasn't fighting this damn psycho,i would've helped him,but nooo this bitch gotta always get in my way,it's time to make her comprehend that i don't like her anymore,she took out her chainsaw,and tried to chop me into pieces,too bad for her that i had my candyLike grenades,which knocked her out easily,she's much more weaker than i remember

~~~~~~ Jeff's POV~~~~~~~

"Liu please stop i don't want to fight my little brother"
"I'm not your brother anymore after what you've done to me"
"Please stop,didn't you ever think that i was in pain knowing that i killed our parents and "killed" you?"
"It doesn't matter anymore,what does matter is that i'm going to kill you"
Then i fell to the ground i was ready to die,but just as he was about to stab me in the heart,LJ throwed his grenades at Liu,but luckily my little brother didn't get hurt.

~~~~~~~Ben's POV~~~~~~~

As i was fighting sonic,something strange happened,I received a mail,saying watch me,it got me into a link,which was a live broadcast,but for me it was suspicious,i asked slender if i should click the link he said yes,then a video went up to the tv screen that was in the living room

~~~~~~Zalgo's POV~~~~~

A video suddenly appeated on the TV screen that was close to me and mike,then a loud laugh was heard,then an octopus humanoid monster was on the screen,he was saying how foolish we were fighting each other then we all stopped fighting

Me:"Who are you?"

Monster:"I am Cthulhu,zalgo"

Me:"how do you know my name,and what did you mean that it's foolish of us fighting each other?

Cthulhu:"ohh dear zalgo,while you were fighting each other all those years,and killing humans,i got plenty off minions thanks to you,and now my army,is prestigious as it was before"

Then the broadcast was finished

Rake:"who was that guy,anyone knows about an octopus named cthulhu?"

I turned and saw mike pale as a ghost
~~~~~~~Mike's POV~~~~~~~
Me:"shit,i can't believe he's still alive"

Slender:"do you know him?"

Me:"I do,he's a demon,the worst kind of demons, kills everything that's in his path,good or evil,ally or enemy it doesn't matter he just kills everyone"

Slender:"Ok but how do you know him?"

Me:"i found once,a treasure map,for a great treasure,but when i arrived and dug out a chest,I opened it and there was nothing inside except a gold sword,then a earthquake hit,and Cthulhu got out from beneath the earths core,he revealed himself to me,and told me that he tricked me into thinking that there was a treasure so that i could free him,seeing that he had a wound on his chest,I realized that the only way to lock him is stabbing him with the sword,so i took the sword and stabbed him,then i took out the sword and left him to bleed,guess he survived it"

Zalgo:"where's the sword now?"

Me:"it's safe don't worry,the only thing that we need to worry about is Cthulhu,i have a way to kill fight him,but you're not gonna like this?"

Slender:"Just tell us"

Me:"Ok,here goes nothing,To beat him we gotta fight together"

Zalgo and Slender :"say what?!!"

Me:"As i expected,but after we kill him,you can be enemies again,but if you don't want to fight together,then i'm gonna fight him alone"

Jane:"Mike got a point,we can't stay like this while this octopus is around"

Zalgo:" then we got no choice"

Me:"thanks for the support Jane,and guys i'm not gonna lie,but at first it's gonna be a pain in the ass putting up with each other especially for those that are archenemies,but we need to stay together,and the person who tries to do anything fishy,i'm gonna personally punish him,and you don't want that,oh and if we"ll be fighting together we need an operation base,i have a place"

Liu:"then take us to it"


Authors note :so that the end of this chapter,hope you enjoyed it,and i used Cthulhu cause i didn't have any idea of a villain,and i didn't want neither aliens or mutants or humans in this fight cause i didn't want to be too cliche

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