Chapter 1: the reunion

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Now we're getting started with the story which is 100 years after the prologue

It was Another "normal"day at the slender mansion,jeff was training with smile dog, jane and sally were playing with some dolls,EJ was eating the kidneys of his recent victim, masky and hoodie were sharing a cheesecake,LJ was listening to pop goes the weasel while eating candy,ben was playing video games and slender was preparing dinner.
Jeff finished his training and took a shower,while going to the living room he saw something in slender's room that caught his attention,it seemed like a boy's picture he took it and decided to ask slender after dinner.the group chatted,then jeff asked slender about the boy in the photo,he told them:"well that boy you saw in the picture was the first person to be kind to me and not treating me like a freak,he even told me that he considered me as a friend"
Then all responded simultaneously,apart sally who was playing with her teddy:"we thought that we were your only friends,why didn't you tell us that you were friends with a mortal before?"
Slender responded:"he was a mortal,but when i met him in the forest he had casted out his humanity,he was mad to the point it transformed him into one of us"
-they all asked him:"then were is he now?"
He responded whith a glimpse of uncertainty in his voice:"i don't know i haven't heard news from him for a long time"
Night came and they all went to sleep
Mike had been searching for the slender mansion for a lot of time,he was lost in the woods,until he heard some footsteps,he knew that he was being stalked,he sensed the stalkers aura long before he was close to him,which made him say to himself"what an amateur"
He then said:"i know that you're here don't hide from me"
It was none other than Jeff who asked Mike:"what gave me away other than the footsteps"
Mike responded:"it's your aura,i knew that i was stalked long before i heard your footsteps,it seems like you don't know how to control your aura you amateur"
Jeff then growled:"you're gonna regret saying that"
Mike said:"don't try fighting me kiddo,you ain't got any chance"
Jeff laughed hysterically and said in a mocking way:"me loose to a weakling like you,hahaha it's never going to happen"
Mike immediately responded:"seems like Slenderman didn't teach you to not judge your enemy by his aura,you think i'm a weakling because i was restraining my aura,now behold my power"
Mike quickly released his aura which Slenderman sensed back at the slender mansion,he said to himself:"no I-It can't be HIM?! I hope no one here in this house is confronting him right now,or he's good as gone"
Jeff then fell to the ground,knowing that he shouldn't have done this,he apologized to Mike who gladely accepted his apologies,Mike then asked jeff to lead him to the slender mansion
They arrived at the slender mansion,where there was total chaos,everyone were ordered by slender to search for jeff, who the latter yelled:"what's this all about"
Then slender said to jeff while not paying attention to Mike:"thank god that you're safe jeff"
Mike then said to Slenderman:"hello old friend how are you"
Slenderman shocked knew the owner of the voice,it was the same as the owner of the aura,he then asked:"Mike is that really you?"
Mike then showed his arms that were wrapped in chains and said:"do you know believe it's me?"
Jeff looked in a shocked way at those chains for a little moment he didn't notice them before because they were hidden under Mikes sleeves
Slender still astonished asked his old friend:"but i thought you died 5 years ago"
Mike then said:"oh that,that was totally fake,don't you remember i'm immortal just like you?
Slenderman then remembered this fact and asked why he did this
Mike then said:"i needed to lay low for a while,so faking my death was the best way so that people could forget my name and my face "
Then he said:"do you remember when we first met,and you asked me if i could join you?"
Slender responded yes
Then mike told him that he had finished his business and can now stay here
Slender then greeted his friend into his mansion and said "we definitely have to know what happened in those long years when we weren't in contact"
They all sat in the living room and Mike asked them what was their story,he then proceeded to tell his,but one story interested him,it was the story of jeff and how he became a killer,it was kinda close to his story,after that Mike told many of his great"Adventures"and everyone was interested in hearing him
Then Mike started teasing jeff,in all the ways possible,which made Jeff go nuts,Mike then got out to get some fresh air
When Mike got out jeff said:"i think this guy hates me" but then slender said:"on the contrary he likes you,it's his way to show appreciation to people",then slender also went outside to talk with Mike
Mike was smoking cigarettes when slender arrived,who the latter told him:"it seems that you liked jeff"
Mike responded:"yea he reminds me of myself when i was young,he has the same arrogance and naivety that i had"
Then Mike continued:"there's something i have to tell you,Zalgo came to me two months ago trying to recruit me into his ranks,but i refused"
Slender asked:"then?"
Mike told slender:"he didn't do anything,Zalgo wasn't stupid enough to attack me without his followers,but even though he had multiple chances to kill me,but he didn't doesn't it seem too fishy?"
Slender then said:"I don't know",they then did some chitchat for about an hour and a half before Entering the mansion ,when they were surprised by the guys,who did a giant cake(which was cheesecake)
Then Mike asked them for what occasion did they do the cake
They responded:"it's because you and slender were reunited"
Then they did a party and all went to sleep

So how's the first chapter guys? Don't worry other characters will appear later,and it's not going to be another story where Zalgo fights the Creepypastas,But there's one scene where they fight against each other but they're interrupted by....... No Spoilers allowed,sorry for the cliff hanger anyway i won't get into this until maybe after two or three chapters? I don't know

Peace out,and always remember FEAR THE CHAINS
OH AND I've started two other stories called: an uncommon friend and with the creepypastas please check them out

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