chapter 6:THE FORTRESS

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Hey Readers it's been awhile since i last a chapter well sorry for that it's just i thought that i ain't gonna write more parts until i get more readers but seeing that's been a long time since the number of views changed and it's still a same i told myself to write parts it ain't gonna change a thing well enough of the chit chat and let's continue with the story
This chapter's gonna be a little short

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mike's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After the creepypastas got ready i went outside took out a cellphone from one of my pockets and called

Me: hey Eddie send us choppers to come and take us from the slender mansion ASAP
Eddie: Wait you are in the slender mansion
Me: Yes I am, i"ll tell you why when we get back
Eddie: Alright Boss they"ll be there in half an hour
Me: Ok by the way how's the family?Is you're son getting better?
Eddie: Yes boss it's all thanks to you
Me: No problem mate

I got back to the mansion then slender asked me

Slenderman: Who were you talking to?
Me: One of my employees,i told him to get us choppers so that we can go to the operation base
Ben: Wait you have employees?
Me: You see i'm the head of the largest company in the world well it's more of a mafia than a company we just use our research facilities and many other things to make us look legitimate,i"ll show you around when we arrive there

An hour passed and i told the creepypastas that they arrived

Jeff: Where are the choppers
Me: they're right here

As those words left my mouth two of my choppers appeared on the ground
Me: You see it'd be a pain in the ass if citizens saw choppers getting here and our ops would be exposed to them so we developed a camouflage system that can make them disappear and the choppers can't be heard while in camouflage
Jeff: Nice
Me: Let's go

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JEFF'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

after awhile we arrived to an island Mike pushed a button on a device he had with him then a building started to appear from underground everyone was amazed especially sally

Mike: Welcome to my fortress,here we i"ll train everyone of you so that we can face Cthulhu
Me: But wouldn't it better if we attacked him right now?
Mike: yes it would but sadly we don't know where he's hiding so we have to wait till my team finds him

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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