chapter 4:The Fight

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*Puts headphones scrolls through music and puts slipknot-The Devil in I*

Me:"it's time for writing"

Mike:"Hey don't use your headphones i wanna listen to this song I love it"

Me:"When did you get here?"

Mike:"Long enough to know that you have on your phone 700 songs"

Me:*coughs*it's more than 813 precisely

Mike:"wow when do you even have time to listen to all of them"

Me:*whines in a childish way*That's the problem so much songs but so little time

Me:Anyway are you going to let me write or are you going to bug me even more?"

Mike:"Sorry,continue your writing"


Back at the slander mansion

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mike's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Next Day

It was 2 pm we were watching a movie on the TV,when it was interrupted,Flash news appeared and i knew the reason:

we sincerely apologize for Interrupting you,this morning around 8 P.M the residents of a household were discovered dead and also the police officers in the police station were all killed ,also the soldiers at the army base were discovered dead after half an hour.We don't know who the murderers are but we believe it's the criminal group known as "The creepypastas" who are held responsible

Then a footage was shown and it showed the corpses of our victim

After the footage ended,I laughed demonically which made all of the gang look at me

Slender then asked me why i laughed like that

I said:"It feels great to be back in action,you don't know how much i waited for my return"

all were baffled by my words

but we were interrupted by some bangs on the door

Then A voice said:"Mike you better join me or else all your friends are going to perish"

everyone knew who the voice's owner was then I said:"You asked me before and I told you no,don't you ever give up Zalgo?"
Zalgo responded:"if you want me to give up on something then you need to wish for a miracle"
I responded:"I don't believe in those things"

as those words left my mouth the door was forced,and behind it was zalgo and his followers soon enough a battle ensued,slender was fighting the rake,sonic exe and Ben were clashing,Laughing Jack was fighting Laughing Jill who she held a grudge against after their breakup(well I don't blame Jack,she's an insane bitch even for him),sally was fighting lost silver,jane,masky,hoodie,eyeless jack,ticky toby and clockwork were fighting zombie like people turned by Zalgo.And I was fighting Zalgo.But then I saw Jeff standing in confusion tears streaming down his face,I thought that the kid has a stone cold heart so for him to cry,it means that something is very wrong

Then A voice I didn't recognize said:"it's time for you to die jeff"


Hey dear readers sorry for this short chapter and also for the cliffhanger,do you wanna know who the mysterious person is?? then wait for my next chapter.And if you know who that person is don't hesitate to say it in the comments

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