Chapter 2: Training session

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Author: hey Mike how are you today?
Mike:i'm good how about you?
-i'm fine,can i ask you a question?
-do you think that the readers like this story till now,and also do you think they like your backstory?
-they better be liking them
-Could you tell them also to check my other stories called An uncommon friend and with the creepypastas
-Yea sure,you readers should see those two stories
Chapter 3:Hard Training
Weeks passed in the slender mansion,everyday being a usual one,Mike got to know all the creepypastas better,he thought that they were cool,everyone liked him,except Jeff which Mike noticed
So he asked Jeff:"hey Jeff,do you want to train with me this afternoon?"
-Then meet me in the woods at 2 pm
Jeff kept wandering what kind of training would he undergo with Mike,until it became 2 Pm,jeff headed down to the forest,and kept searching for Mike,until he was attacked and pinned face on the ground,he couldn't see his attacker,until the latter said:"you need to always be on guard kiddo if i was one of Zalgo's followers i would have killed you by now""
Jeff recognized the voice he then said:"yea but you're not one of his,right Mike?"
Mike then moved and helped Jeff get up,he then told him that he was gonna train him hard,so he better be prepared for it
Jeff agreed,he then asked Mike what is this training gonna be about,mike told him it had a goal to make Jeff more sneaky,and a lot more cautious
Jeff was bored by the sound of this,But Mike caught his attention when he told him,that it would make more fun stalking his victims and make the hunt more enjoyable,and also he's gonna teach him some techniques to use if he was ever being stalked
Jeff then responded quickly:"what are we waiting for"
It started with a freerun around the forest to warm up,then Mike proceeded to teach Jeff to gain control of his aura and make it stronger,after that he asked Jeff to get away and to stalk Mike who putted earphones in his ears Jeff said:"really now you're going to put those earphones and ask me to stalk you
-trust me
-alright then
Then Jeff walked away and started stalking Mike who was taking a stroll in the forest and singing loudly,Jeff then came out and tried to pin him to the ground,but Mike dodged it easily
Jeff shocked asked Mike how he did it
Mike then took out his earphones and said it was all about deception,he said to Jeff that all the time he wasn't listening to anything,so when being stalked by someone,the stalker would think that his victim is vulnerable,but ignoring the fact that maybe he ain't listening to anything but it was covered by the fact that the victim is singing,so the stalker lunges at the victim,who is hearing every movement,and finally the victim dodges the attack while tripping the stalker,who falls on the ground,and then it's an easy kill
Jeff looked at Mike and told:"it's a great decieving move,i like it"
Mike then told Jeff:"you like sharp weapons don't you?i have some new toys for you"he then took out a box which contained a variety of sharp meelee and ranged weapons (throwing knives,shurikens,kunais...etc) and then told Jeff to take what he like.When Mike opened the box,Jeffs face was like the one of a 10 year old boy who got the giff that he wanted on Christmas.It was a hard choice but Jeff took 2 combat knives,5 throwing knives,4 shurikens and 4 kunais.Then Mike gave him a belt so that he could put his new toys on it,and then he proceeded to teach Jeff how to use them so that they can become deadlier,after that he did a knife fight with Jeff and started to tell him where his weak points in his attacks were.
The training took 5 hours,they stopped training,both were exhausted and sweaty,they sat on the ground to rest,then Jeff asked Mike:"why did you train me,I thought you hated me?"
Mike then laughed and said:"me hate you?No dude i like you"
-Then why do you keep on teasing me?
-that's because you remind me of myself when i was young,and i don't want you to make the same mistakes as i did,which were the reason that i faked my death so that the cops would stop searching for me and plus the reason that caused you to cast your humanity aside is very similar to mine,we were both bullied,and it cost us a loss of loved ones and you're like my little brother,so I don't want you to get hurt,so count on me when you get in trouble
-oh i see,well it's good to know that I can count on you
-anyway let's get back to the mansion,it's getting late,and i surely don't want to deal with slender's questions
-neither do i
They arrived to the mansion while laughing so hard that it even annoyed LJ,all of them noticed the belt on Jeff's waist and asked him what is it,he then responded that it was a gift from Mike and he then showed them his new "toys"
After dinner slender asked the boys
Slender:so how was the training
Slender:i hope that you had fun
Jeff: if fun is to be trained to the point where your body is almost gonna give up,then yea
Slender:Mike what did you do to him?
Mike:nothing i just taught him how to become a better killing machine,i taught him how to perfectly stalk someone,and to trick a stalker if he ever was,and also taught him how to use his new toys
Slender:Jeff'sthe most enthusiastic one when it comes to training,so if you want to train the others good luck with it
Mike:thanks for reminding me,who wants to train with me tomorrow?
All:no thank you
Mike:aw come on
Ben:then i guess i want to be trained by you
Mike:then call me master, just kidding,anyway guys get prepared physically,i'm going to train every single one of you at what you're good at,that goes also for you sally
Sally in a cute way:sir yes sir
All:awwww she's so cute

Chapter Finished

Me:hey Mike do you want to say anything to the readers?
Mike:readers don't you ever bully someone it's bad it can lead to depression and suicide
Me:Should i get a copybook so that i can write notes?
Mike:no don't i've finished my lesson it's too late
Mike:*cover's my mouth with his hand* stop interrupting me,now I'm serious don't you ever bully someone cause it has bad effects on the victim,and if you do then I'm coming for you in your sleep so FEAR THE CHAINS

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