Chapter 3: back to action

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~~~~~~~~Mike's POV~~~~~~~
After having trained all the creepypastas,I asked them if they wanted to go have fun killing people with me.they all accepted.Our target was a house that were living in it a cop,his wife and his kid.They were sally's preys.she went and knocked on the door,her eyes filled with tears,the cop asked her why she was crying and more importantly why she was bleeding.she told him that she fell on her head and she lost her mom.The cop told her to come inside she could rest in his son's room,she thanked him and went to the room.the son was sleeping,sally then locked the door,took out her knife and slashed the boys throat,while the blood was gushing out and tainting her with blood a huge grin formed on her mouth,then she unlocked the door and proceeded to go to the bathroom,the wife was brushing her teeth when she saw sally,she was horrified,she screamed and sally killed her,the cop then came to where the screaming was,he saw sally take out her knife from his wife's corpse.She saw him and told him:"What I didn't tell you thought is that i'm dead and i'm a serial killer"
He took out his gun and threatened to shoot but sally throwed her knife at him,which went right between his eyes.
I was satisfied with Sally's results from her training
~~~~~~~~~Jeff's POV~~~~~~~~~
Damn that went right between his eyes,i was surprised that Sally did this because she wasn't accurate very much at throwing knives,me,Jane,Masky,and Hoodie.Heck all of us tried to improve her accuracy but to no avail.Guess Mike's training is superb,for it to improve Sally's training.I turned to see everyone's reaction they were shocked except for Mike who was smiling.I never saw him smile before,i guess that his past left him cold hearted.
Sally returned and they all asked her how she was able to be so precise,she told them that it was thanks to Mike.Mike then approached her way and patted her head,he told her that she would make in the future a good killer,and he told us that they better be careful and not make her angry.they all laughed and sally was happy that Mike saw a potential in her.
Then it was my turn to kill,I wanted something serious,so i asked masky and hoodie if they wanted to join me on my raid of the police station,they accepted
~~~~~~~~~Masky's POV~~~~~~~~
After Jeff asked me and hoodie to join him,we accepted and went for the police station,there we took out firstly the cops in the surveillance room so that no reinforcements could be called,then we separated and started killing cops one by one,I sneaked behind a guard and slashed his throat,blood covered the wall,then i proceeded to the air vent and waited for another one to come,after a couple of minutes two more came,they saw the corpse and were horrified,they called some cops to come check it out,when they came,i jumped on one of them stabbing him in the neck and started killing off the I finished,I looked down at my work,blood was everywhere,and corpses were on the ground I was satisfied with my art
~~~~~~~~Slender's. POV~~~~~~~
When Masky,hoodie&Jeff walked out from the door Mike entered to see how fine they did,he was happy with their work,Then he was sad,I asked him why,he responded that now he doesn't have anything serious to kill,but Jeff made a mistake and told him that there was a military base near,then his frown turned upside down.
~~~~~~~~~Mike's POV~~~~~~~~~
As Jeff told me that there was a military base near,the need to kill started pumping in my veins,it was a long time that I didn't feel it,and I longed for it everyday and night
So then i told slender:
Hey are your abilities in killing still the same old man
Slender: the question goes the same for you my friend,it's been 100 years since i saw you in action
Me:Well let's see by ourselves anyway Ben i need you to hack the security system of this base,unleash the X-virus that I taught you how to use it
Ben:Yea,It's a virus that only Mike knows
Me:ahem,i were the only one because i'm it's creator,and i didn't want any idiot to get his hand on it,so i trust it to you,if you use it foolishly then i will erase it from your memory,like how i did it in the training
Laughing Jack:Yea,Ben you didn't say to us what was your training
Ben:Yea,well it's a long story i'm gonna tell you how it was when we get back,anyway I'm launching the X
Me:Ok,you know how it is,it's gonna wipe out the security,and destroy every electronic system,so they won't be able to use their tanks,helicopters and other things
Slender:so let's go to action
Jane:well then go kill
Me:you don't need to tell me twice
Ben:The X is in,i repeat the X is in
Me:A-Ok,ready old man?
Slender: let's have a little competition to spice things up.

We went into the base and,after knowing that there is no alarm or anything else,I started the killing,fastly i was being surrounded by troopers,they all gunned me but the bullets didn't even cause me to flinch,the holes then started to heal,I asked them if it was all,Man the look on their face was priceless,you should have seen it.then i got two machete,and started chopping them into pieces,then I stood in front of a hangar,and waited for the gate to open,there 100 soldiers were waiting for me to shoot me with their machine guns and launchers,they didn't realize that i was invincible,as i started walking closer,they started to get more tense,i launched at them and killed every single one of them,the hangar was painted in blood,before i walked in,I took a picture of the bloodied hangar interior so that i could put it as my wallpaper,as i started killing more and more troops,the thrill of the hunt was getting better and better.As i killed the last i waited for slender with the rest,when he arrived,he was taking off a soldier from his tentacles.
I had won the competition,And we went back to the slender mansion

Hey readers,how was the hunt in this one hoped you liked it,and i also hope that you found it good,and check my other stories:An uncommon friend and with the creepypastas

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