Chapter 1:Pet Name

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|Jamie's POV|

Oh geez! I jumped from my bed the moment I read the time on the digital clock beside my bed. Great Jamie. You're just late. F*cking great.


I'm in the bathroom now contemplating on whether I would use headache or traffic jam as an excuse. I know these excuses are lame but hey,I've got a trivia right here. My supervisor at work isn't the best. I could always make up a story and tell it to him with so much conviction. Talk about weaklings. Don't get me wrong. I don't really have anything much against him. I actually like him. Like not love. *Roll eyes*

*Phone vibrates*

From:Sir Supervisor

Why were you late?

I furrowed my brows as I read my supervisor's text. Interested,huh?

To:Sir Supervisor

Good morning Sir! My apology for being late but I woke up with a really terrible ache that gets worse with standing. I feel better now though. Thank you!

That's how I respond to work related messages. Formal. It's part of the game I'm playing.

I hit Send and immediately placed my phone back into my Hermes tote bag.

I'm working as a Marketing Sales Representative at Prolife Group of Companies, the largest insurance company here in America. We are just sending text messages to our respective supervisors to inform them that we are already in the field. And yes,we have a log in time. 8:00 o'clock in the morning. Jeez.

"Where have you been last week Jamie? I haven't seen you." She is Alex,my friend in the field and I immediately replied

"We were at the office. Business review, you know?"

"So how was it?" Alex wiggled her eyebrows as if fishing for some gossips.

"Cool. I got the highest sales again for this month." I said matter-of-factly and grinned.

"Wow. That's my gal! So I think you're best friend's now fuming mad. Hmmm." She said

"Stop that best friend thingy,will you? She has never been and will never be.I don't care to how she was feeling after the announcement and I don't intend to give a damn." I stared at her coldly while saying those words.

"Alright. Alright. I get you. No need to throw tantrums here." She lifted both of her hands up in a surrender while I lifted my lips into a smirk.

Alex and I were patiently waiting by the door to deal with Mr.William Harrison. Alex is also a Marketing Sales Representative,but she markets condominium units. We have the same prospects because Mr.Harrison is extremely a great catch in all business transactions. He is the CEO and President of Madison Corporation-the leading private company in the country.

My thoughts were interrupted when a tall,and good looking guy poked me from behind.

"Miss. Miss." He just continued poking me.

I lifted my brows. "It's you again? I told you,I'm 21." I said annoyingly.

To my surprise,he just laughed hard. Now what's funny?

"Hahahaha. Ha-ha-hah" I can't help but shoot him daggers.

"Easy! Why are you so grumpy. I'd just like to ask your name. I'm done with the how-old-are-you-question,remember?" He gave me his infamous lopsided smile.

The nerve of this guy! I remember him asking me last week about my age and I knew right there and then he's making fun of me. Because he said,

"You look like you're just some kid who was asked by your Mom to buy cooking oil in the grocery. Beware,your parents might be sued for making you work at such a young age."

I just gave him a poker face.
"Nice try."

I left hastily after that. What's wrong with my height? I know he is tall. But he doesn't have the right to use my five feet height against me.

My reminiscence was interrupted when he poked me on my forehead.

"I said I'd like to know your name. Too flattered to make a response,eh?" He said with a wide grin.

"Oh pleaassee! Why are you asking for my name by the way? Interested in me,eh?" I tried to mock him.

"You wish. I'm just trying to find suggestions for the pet I'm gonna buy. Well thank you for letting me know it's Jamie."

My eyes grew wide the moment I heard my name coming from his mouth. It sounded just...right. I was stunned for a while.
W-ait! What are you thinking Jamie. Stop that non sense!

"What the hell? How did you know my name? You stalker!" I asked in disbelief.

He leaned down just so his mouth is leveled with my ears. A small shiver lingered from my spine with the contact.Crap!

"Don't flatter yourself too much Miss Jamie. You might wanna know you are wearing an Identification Card school girl." He said sarcastically.

"Too cute." He added casually. And I think I blushed with the compliment. He thinks I'm cute? Oh please Jamie,get a grip!

"Too cute for a pet's name. Miss. Miss. Miss Jamie." He winked while chanting and walked away.

Arrrggh! The hell is wrong with that guy? Unbelievable! I just stomped my feet in frustration while thinking why I haven't got his name.

W-hat? Why do you have to know Jamie? Want to buy a pet,too?

I grinned from the idea.

Authors Note:

Hi guys! What can you say about the first chapter? Please vote,comment or like.-justlikedot

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