Chapter 3: Dream or Reality

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The sun shines inside my room, waking me up. I feel like myself, like I am in my room at home.

Of course I haven't shifted. What did I expect? To wake up in another reality? So pathetic of me.

I don't even want to open my eyes. The realisation would be too much for me to handle. I feel like the biggest loser in the world.

Still in my thoughts, I hear a female voice: "Wake up Y/N, we're gonna be late for breakfast!"

Great, now I have to act like nothing happened while eating breakfast with my parents...wait...nobody ever calls me for breakfast?

Opening my eyes, I find myself in an unknown room.

This can't be-, I think to myself.

The room is darkly decorated with green accents. Two dark brown single beds with green bed linen face each other on the two sides of the room. There is a large box in front of each bed where the residents' belongings appear to be stored. The walls and ceiling are decorated with arches with green and black accents. In general, the room radiates a mysterious energy.

This is definitely not my bedroom. Is this real? Am I really in Hogwarts?

I feel so many emotions coming up in my body. Joy, happiness, excitement but also nervousness, anxiety and fear. It is very logical for these emotions to appear, I mean I find myself in another reality.

"Y/N, are you there? You look like you woke up from a nightmare", Pansy laughs at me.

I completely blocked her out of my mind. I have to seem natural and unbothered or else she'll become suspicious and that is the last thing I want. But how can someone act natural and unbothered if he literally shifted realities?

Focus Y/N.

I fake yawn: "Yeah Pansy, I had a...strange dream. I think I'll need a couple of extra minutes to process it. Don't let it bother you and go ahead. I'll come right away."

Hopefully, I sounded believable. I need these extra minutes or I'm going to faint.

"Alright, I'll wait in the common room. I bet Draco and Blaise are already waiting for us. Don't let them wait for too long or they'll complain about how girls need o much longer to get ready!", she rolls her eyes.

"Bet. I'll be ready soon. Don't worry...uhm...Pansy."

It is so weird to say her name out loud.

Pansy leaves the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and feelings. If I'm honest, I never thought I would make it. This feels too unreal. I stand up and walk over to the box and touch it. It feels very real, it's cold surface and wooden feeling. While taking a look around, I close my eyes and let that feeling sink in. My whole body fills up with joy and excitement until I can't hide my smile anymore.

I really am at Hogwarts.

"Thank you Anne", I whisper to myself.

I wonder what she is doing now.

Remembering Anne makes me a little bit sad because she isn't here to experience this reality with me. I am here on my own.

I will tell her when I am back in my original reality, I tell myself.

I am now here at Hogwarts and I can't let the feeling of homesickness make me cancel this mission. It is a hard thought that I am on my own but I committed to this mission and I will do it.
And now, it is time to experience this reality.

This is a magical world, so I can just cast a spell to make myself ready. But first, I need my wand. That's when I notice a wand laying on a bedside table next to my bed. This must be my wand. I take a better look at it and see the little details carved in it. The wand feels cold and wooden but after some time in my hands, I feel like something draws myself into the wand and the wand is drawn to me. It's the feeling that it belongs to me and I belong to him. A magical feeling one must experience himself.

"You are my wand", I smile at it.

I think of my Slytherin uniform while pointing the wand at me and making a motion that feels right in this moment. Suddenly, I see myself in my uniform that fits my body perfectly. I look like a real Hogwarts student. And slowly, I feel my memories from this reality come back into my mind. I remember my first day at Hogwarts, the sorting ceremony, befriending Draco, Pansy and Blaise, my second year here, the Basilisk attacks, the triwizard tournament, Snape picking me to show the Slytherins the Yule Ball dance, the fourth, fifth and sixth year at Hogwarts, and now I will experience my last year here. It's truly a magical feeling. I also start to feel more relaxed and like myself in this reality.

Time to meet everybody else.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door and step outside into the hallway. It is also decorated in this dark color palet with green accents. I walk down the hallway, admiring the architecture and interior design the whole time. Many students pass me by to go to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Finally, Ms Y/N decided to join us today!", I see someone shouting to me.

A blonde young man walks towards me with a smile on his face. His platin blond hair is parted to one side and he wears his uniform under a black blazer.

Draco Malfoy.

I stay infront of the son of the man of my dreams. It feels so surreal.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost!", Draco laughs and proceeds to give me a high five.

"No, just a bad dream...Draco", I try to laugh it of and give him a high five back.

I am so overwhelmed.

"Come on, we'll be late for breakfast and Crabbe and Goyle will eat everything", Blaise shouts and starts walking towards the stairs.

I quickly follow the group on the way to the Great Hall.

I wonder what the day will bring, I smile to myself because this dream is finally reality.

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