Chapter 28: The Judgment

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Author's Note:
If I'd get to chose a song for Y/N and Lucius, I'd chose "As the world caves in" by Matt Maltese.


What am I supposed to say? What do they want to hear from me?

All eyes are focused on my every move while I'm sitting on the chair and thinking about an answer. The judge is waiting for my answer.

"Ms. Y/L, can you identify Mr. Lucius Malfoy as one of the Death Eater's who attacked you in the Department of Mysteries?"

Everybody is waiting for my answer. Harry and Hermione had already done their witness testimony. Now it's my turn. I don't know what to say. Everybody knows that Lucius and I were very close. Lying would be unnecessary since the other six of our group would tell the truth and everyone would think that I want to protect Lucius. But do I want to protect him? He hurt me, very much. I see Draco also waiting for my answer. I don't know if he'll want to be my friend when his father has to go to Azkaban because of me. But what options do I have? Lying would only give me trouble and I don't know if I want to help Lucius.

"Yes, Lucius Malfoy was one of the people attacking us", I answer the judge.

People in the court room gasp at my answer. I don't know why because they have already heard this answer from Harry and Hermione. It's not really shocking anymore.

"Who else could you identify there?", the judge asks.

"There was also Bellatrix Lestrange", I say.

Nobody dares to make a sound because Bellatrix Lestrange has managed to escape and nobody knows where she is.

I haven't dared to look at Lucius who is sitting in this room with us and closely paying attention to my answers. I can imagine the look on his face: cold and unbothered.

"Thank you Ms. Y/L for your service. We appreciate it", the judge tells me and calls in Luna for her witness testimony.

"You're brave for doing this", Harry whispers as soon as I sit down next to him.

We're listening to Luna, Neville, Ron and Ginny answering the questions before the judge pronounces the verdict: Azkaban for lifetime. Everybody gasps and Lucius stands up angrily.

"You can't do this! Do you know who I am? I can make your life a living hell!"

"Mr. Malfoy, please calm down or we will have to take you to Azkaban now before you'll have the chance to say good bye to your family."

Lucius sits down in silence but the look on his face could kill a person.

"Thank you. I declare this trial over. You may go now!", the judge ends the trial.

"Are you coming?", Hermione asks me with her hand on my shoulder?

Since the incident, everyone has treated me very carefully, as if I could break at any time.

"Yes, I can't even bare to look at him now", I reply and we leave the court.

But the situation doesn't get any better outside of the court room. I can already hear the paparazzi waiting for us outside of the Ministry.

"I think I'll wait here until most of them will go", I explain to Hermione.

"Should we wait with you?", she asks me worried.

"No, you can go. I need a few minutes alone."

"Okay, but if you decide you need someone by your side, I'm here for you", Hermione says and leaves the Ministry with the others.

I do need some minutes alone but I also need to find Draco and talk to him. Just as I think of him, I see him walking in my direction.

"Draco, please let us talk. I need to explain this!", I try to stop him but he passes me and keeps walking.

"I wouldn't go outside. They're already waiting for us", I warn him from the paparazzi.

Draco stops and sighs before turning towards me and looking at me angrily.

"It's your fault! He's going to Azkaban because of you!", he shouts at me.

"Draco, what was I supposed to do? Lying would only get us into trouble."

"No! You and your other friends are the reason my father goes to prison!"

"Draco, what was I supposed to do! If I had lied, your father would still go to prison! Six people confirmed that he's a Death Eater! My one voice wouldn't change anything about it!"

"I'm now left all alone! Nobody is here for me now!" Draco shouts and tears roll down his cheek.

"Draco", I now say gentler, "You're not alone. I'm still here with you. You are my best friend, I'm here for you."

I hug him and at first, he doesn't hug me back but then decides to and hides his face in my shoulder, still crying.

"First my mother left me and now father has to go to Azkaban. I don't want to be alone", he keeps crying.

"It's okay Draco, I'm here for you. I'll go to your house with you, I'll help you with your house duties, I'll keep you company. We can talk about this as many times as you want to."

"Will you really be there for me?", Draco asks me.

"Of course. That's what friends are for."

"I just want to go home", Draco says and we walk out of the building.

We are greeted by big light flashes directly aimed at us. Draco and I stay still for a few seconds because of the surprise before deciding to walk of to a fireplace and use floo powder to travel back to the Malfoy Manor.

And that's it. Draco and I are on our own now and I don't know if I'm happy that Lucius is gone or if I'm about to collapse. Either way, I can't shift back to my original reality now. I need to stay with Draco, that's the least I can do.

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