Chapter 31: Harry's Return

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A few weeks have passed and the remaining students and I are sitting in the library and reading. It's how we distract ourselves from the crumbling world around us. The remaining members from Dumbledore's Army and I sit at a table together. It's just me, Luna, Ginny, Cho, Parvati, Padma, Seamus, Dean and Lavender. Neville is sneaking around the hidden passages of the castle.

Just as I was starting to reach the highlights of my book, Neville sprints inside the library and says: "Follow me! I have a surprise!"

We look at each other in confusion and follow him inside an empty classroom. And then we see the reason of his excitement: Harry, Ron and Hermione stay in the classroom and smile at us.

"You're alive!", I break the silence and run up to them for a hug.

"Of course! What did you think?", Harry asks me.

"We listened to the radio everyday to make sure you're still alive!", Ginny explains.

"Me too, I was worried something might've happened to you or mom or dad!", Ron says.

"But why are you back? Isn't it too dangerous for you three here in Snape's school?", Dean asks.

"We don't want to hide anymore. And we've got great news", Hermione replies and starts to explain to us that You know who, who used to be Tom Riddle, who has split his soul into seven pieces to hide each in an object, a horcrux, so he'll be immortal. But Harry, Ron and Hermione have been looking for the seven horcruxes and managed to destroy four of them, leaving three. Harry suspects You know who's snake Nagini to be another horcrux and that there's a horcrux hidden somewhere in the castle. Harry also tells us about their expedition into the Malfoy Manor and how he has met Lucius there. I gasp at his mention of Lucius.

"Lucius is out of Azkaban?", I ask.

"Yes, he's free", Harry replies.

Lucius Malfoy is a free man again. We'll meet each other on the battle field. I will have to look into his eyes. I will have to see him again. He will kill me. There's no way he doesn't want revenge. I was so sure that I'll never have to see him again. The thought of not seeing him started to comfort me some time ago. The feelings of sadness turned into anger and hate towards him and I was happy that he'll rot in Azkaban forever. But now I know that I will eventually meet him on the battle field and only one of us will survive. And that will be me.

"We'd love to help you Harry but the evening meeting with professor Snape is about to begin. Can you three hide here?", Seamus interrupts my thinking.

"Or we'll attend it with you...", Harry says.

So Harry, Ron and Hermione each put on a Gryffindor robe and hide behind us. We all walk into the Great Hall an stand in a line. I separate myself from the group and stay in the Slytherin line. Professor Snape arrives in the Great Hall and begins his speech.

"Let me get straight to the point. It's come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted at Hogsmeade. Now, should anyone, students or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty."

Nobody says a word. We don't even dare to look at each other. Nobody wants to expose Harry and get into trouble themselves. Snape begins to walk through the crowd while everyone keeps their eyes down on the floor. I don't look at him either because I'm afraid of the new professor Snape. He doesn't favor his house students anymore, he's strict towards everyone now.

"If anyone here has knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening, I invite them to step forward now."

Still, no one dares to say anything or even look at professor Snape. That's until Harry walks out of the crowd himself. Everybody gasps at his entrance.

"It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, we still have a bit of a security problem headmaster."

As soon as Harry has said that, the door to the Great Hall opens and the Order of the Phoenix walks inside the room. I start to smile because I know that now we are safe. I've seen them fight when we were fighting against the Death Eaters, and also Lucius...

Harry keeps talking: "How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!"

Snape takes out his wand to attack Harry but professor McGonaghall jumps in front of Harry and protects him. I run away from the Slytherin group and stand with the Order of the Phoenix, who all also took out their wands. It's now all of us against Snape. I can say that I have trusted professor Snape. I thought that he was a good person but it turns out that he is also just a Death Eater, like Lucius. It doesn't feel good to be betrayed like that again. Professor McGonaghall attacks professor Snape with fire and he protects himself from it until he decides to turn himself into black dust and fly away through the window.

We all still stay in shock from what just happened until professor McGonaghall decides to speak.

"We will need to form a protective shield around the castle. We will have to do every protective spell there is. There is no time for resting, he will come now."

She's right. He will come and we have to prepare. I have to prepare myself to meet Lucius.

"Bring me Harry Potter in one hour or all of you will die", a voice suddenly says in all of our heads.

It's You know who's voice who is warning us before his attack. He wants Harry and we have him.

"There's no way he will get Harry!", Ginny says.

Professor McGonaghall agrees: "Everybody prepare himself for the war. If some of you don't want to fight, that's okay. Leave the castle now! And to the rest...good luck."

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