It was just an average day at Blood Gulch Outpost #1. A maroon colored soldier faced a orange colored one.
Simmons: Hey.
Grif: Yeah?
Simmons: You ever wonder why we're h-
A black blur suddenly crashed into the ground behind the base! The two soldiers turned around screaming!
Grif/Simmons: SON OF A BITCH!
They immediately ran over to check out what it was while a brown soldier and a red soldier arrived as they did.
Sarge: What in the hell?
Simmons: A drop pod. ..?
Sarge: Lopez, do you remember anyone asking for a supply drop?
The brown robot shook his head. The pod let out a hissing sound!
Grif: Woah!
He backed up as the door to the pod opened a millimeter before jamming. That's when they all noticed just how much the pod was in disrepair. It looked like it was about to fall apart. As if on queue, the door to the pod fell off its hinges.... On the other side was a soldier, the armor beyond damaged and the visor cracked.
Simmons: Is he dead?
Moments later, the body fell out of the pod, the helmet falling off. . .. Beneath it was a girl. ...
Her hair was light blonde with pink tips that reached down to her cheeks and her skin was a pale white. Lopez noticed her mouth was moving ever so slightly. ... She was breathing. Sarge approached her and noticed the same.
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Sarge: She's alive! Grit, make yourself useful and help me take her into the base!
Grif: *sighs* Alright.
And so, they brought her into the base and laid her down on a table. Her armor was so damaged you could hardly tell what color it was supposed to be but it looked like it was Orchid (with olive green trim), not to mention there being large holes in it. Her black undersuit was visible. From what they could tell, only her armor sustained damage, which was lucky because none of them had much medical experience. They decided to just wait and see if she would wake up with Lopez being the one watching her.
Meanwhile standing atop the Blue Base of Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha was two soldiers. Their armor was almost identical aside from the color. The one in cobalt blue was Leonard Church, and the one in bright aqua was Lavernius Tucker.
Tucker: Why did you get promoted and not me?
Church: Oh would you quite your bitching. Look for a we know they picked me at random.
Tucker: Yeah your probably right. Hey look it's the ship.
The two looked up to see the Pelican floating up at the sky with the back opening up.