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Colt flopped down into his chair, an easy smile falling on his face as the crowd let out a little laugh.

"So, Colt," Caesar said. "What's impressed you the most about The Capital?"

He sat up, excitement on his face.

"I don't remember what it's called," He began. "But the second day here I ate this dessert that was cold- it- it had a citrus flavor and it was smooth. Best thing I've ever eaten."

Caesar thought for a second before perking up.


Colt nodded his head furiously.

"Yes! That's it!"

"I love that stuff too!" Caesar laughed. "It's my favorite dessert."

He turned to the crowd.

"My trainer had to throw out all of it after I gained fifteen pounds," Caesar sighed, leaning back in his chair before perking up again. Winona held back a scoff. She wasn't sure how old Ceasar was but he looked like he never aged. He was always the same weight he had been the year before and there were never any wrinkles on his face. A trainer couldn't do that. He'd had surgery done on him. Probably multiple surgeries.

She never understood it. In Twelve, having wrinkles, and being chubby, was a sign of achievement. Yes, I've lived long enough to get wrinkles. Yes, I have enough food to be plump. She envied those people.

"So, Colt, you have a bit of a disadvantage in these games, being so young," He said. "What do you think is your biggest strength?"

The boy turned, looking at Winona with a soft smile.

"I have my sister with me," He said. "She'll take care of me. She always has."

The crowd went quiet again and Winona watched Haymitch sit up in his seat, scratching his beard.

"You sound like a very smart young man," Caesar said gently. "It's always good to appreciate the people in your life."

He nodded his head.

"Are there any other people you appreciate? Maybe someone back home?"

Winona understood what he was asking, but Colt didn't.

"My mom and dad," He rattled off. "Also my friends at school."

"No one in particular? No ladies back home?"

He wrinkled his nose.

"The only ladies I know are my mom, Winona, and my teacher."

The crowd laughed. Winona swallowed down the lump in her throat. The buzzer rang.

"Well, Colt," Caesar stood, shaking his hand. "It was great to get to know you."

Colt returned to his seat and Panem's anthem began playing. Caesar said his goodbyes to the crowd and the tributes were ordered to stand, walking off the stage in a single file line. Winona, her brother, and the tributes from four pile into the elevator after everyone else. The girl turns to Colt and rattles off a compliment, which returns. They chat about the different food they'd had at The Capital and the boy leans closer to Winona.

"I thought my look was gonna be the worst," He muttered. "Then I saw yours. I'm impressed."

Winona scoffed.

"With what?"

"I don't think I would've gotten on stage if I was as exposed as you were."

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