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Tord was sleeping peacfully in his room, when he heard noise coming from the kitchen.

Edd: Holy shit!

Tom: Dude, What the fuck

Edd: Oh my god! It's so big!
Tord was trying to cover his ears with his pillow.

Tom: What is, HOLY FUCK

Matt: What's going on? Oh my godd ewwww

Edd: Kill It!

Matt: I'm not going near that fuckin thing!
Tord finally got up to inspect his loud ass roomates. He had his hair cover the space around his neck where the marks had taken place. But they were barly there at this point

Tom: Use the baking spay!

Matt: Noo, it's next to it!

Tord: Guys, shut the hell up. I'm sleeping

Matt: Tord! Save us!

Tom: Yeah sure, Tord will save us.
Tom rolled his non existing eyes as he hid behind Edd.

Tord: What's that supposed to mean?

Tom: I think you know

Tord: What's even going on?
Tord ignored Tom's comment.

Edd: There's a spider on the counter..
They all looked a little ashamed.

Tord: Are you serious?

Tom: Well, you do something about it then!

Tord: Ugh, fine

Tord walked over to the counter where they pointed out the spider. He went up to it, and scooped it into his hand.

Tom: Did you fucking pick it up?

Tord: Yeah, you want it?
Tord held the spider up to Tom, who jumped back.

Tord: Hehe

Tom: Fucking bitch

Tord: Cmon don't be a baby
Tord was enjoying his newfound power.

Tom: No normal person likes spiders
Tord stared at the spider that crawled around his hand.

Tord: I'm gonna put it in your room

Tom: I will actually kill you!

Tord: Worth it

Edd: Tord, just put it outside!

Tord: Ok, fine. You guys are no fun

Matt: We're plenty fun, just not crazy
Tord gave them a glare

Tord: Wow, I really hope it didn't lay eggs anywhere
He said as he dropped it outside.

Edd: Don't be an ass

Tord: I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep because of you guys

Tom: Now who's being a baby, didn't get your nap time?

Tord: God, I hate living here

Matt: Don't say thattt, you love it here

Tord: Would love it more if Tom didn't live here

Edd: Ok, guys stop. It's early, and you're grumpy

Tord: I'm just gonna go to my room
Tord started walking to his door.

Edd: What about brecfast?

Tord: I'll be fine

Edd: Alright..
Edd looked at Tom with an annoyed face

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