You ok?

5 0 0

The next morning, they all had to pack everything back up to leave. Tord was to no one's surprise, still sleeping. Matt went to go try to wake him up before they left.

Matt: Hey, Tord
He had his hand on his shoulder, moving him slightly

Tord: Mmmmm, no

Matt: They're both already in the car

Tord: Just leave me here
He shoved his face in the pillow

Matt: No way, I already put your stuff in the car

Tord: Give me a minute, jesus

Matt: We've been waiting enough minutes, we even had breakfast

Tord: Good for you
He was facing upwards now

Matt: I swear to God I will carry you outside

Tord: You don't believe in God
He laughed

Matt: Alright then
Matt picked Tord up and put him over his shoulder.

Tord: Matt!

Matt: What? I said I would

Tord: You're lucky I'm too tired to do anything. Grab my phone

Matt: Ok

They headed out to the car, Tord still on Matt's shoulder. He couldn't see what was going on, because his view was behind them.

Tord: Ok, you can put me down now!

Matt: Ok, ok
He bent down to let Tord get off. He quickly stood up and turned around to get in the car, noticably pissed. Edd was laughing at a picture he took of them.

Edd: Haha, Tord look, you're like a doll compared to him

Tord: Fuck off

Edd: Damn, you ok?

Matt: No he's still cranky he didn't want to get out of bed
Matt had gotten in the car at this point, across from Tord. Tom would be driving, and Edd was in the passenger seat.

Tom: He's always cranky

Matt: Not alwase, right Tord?
No use, Tord put his headphones in already. Matt sighed in worry.

They were on the road now, driving back home. Edd put on some cheezy music on from the radio. Tord had already fallen back to sleep despite Tom's reckless driving.

Matt: Hey guys

Edd: Yeah?
Tom also looked back a bit.

Matt: Does Tord seem.. sadder to you?

Edd: How do you mean?

Matt: I don't know, he just seems, different

Edd: Well, I don't know him as well as you do. He always seems to be changing

Tom: Why do you think it's sadness?

Matt: Well, he just seems off, and he's avoiding me more often. I have to seek him out now. It's like when we were-
He cut himself off

Matt: I don't know

Edd: What we're you going to say?

Matt: It's nothing, well, nothing I should talk to you guys about

Tom: Huh? What is it?

Edd: Tom, that means it's personal. Tord probably wouldn't want him talking about it

Tom: My bad. Ugh, I can't wait to get back so I can get waisted

Matt: Haha, you can't, remember?

Tom: Oh shit! You're right
Matt and Edd both laughed. Tom, in fact did remember, but was trying to brighten the mood.

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