We're really doing this

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Tord walked over to Tom, and took one of the hands he was holding out. Tom pulled in his arm and put the other on Tord's waist, making him come closer. Tord isn't used to physical contact, so he is both excited and terrified for this interaction.

Tom: So, should we talk about this before we start?
Tom wanted Tord to feel as comfortable as he could be.

Tord: Oh, sure

Tom: I just wanna make sure I don't make you uncomfortable

Tord: What exactly would you do to make me uncomfortable?
Tom was way more kind in this situation

Tom: Well, you look uncomfortable right now

Tord: I'm just a little scared, but I'm ok.  I guess just nothing crazy. I don't know

Tom: I guess it's hard to tell what you want when it's your first time

Tord: You can drop that

Tom: Heh, sorry. I guess it's just hard to believe

Tord: How is that?

Tom: Cause you're so cute
Tord became flustered emidiately, and it was noticable. He liked being called cute, but he didn't want anyone to know about it

Tord: s-Shut up!
Tord put one of his hands on Tom's face to hide his own.

Tom: It's true
Tom lightly grabbed both Tord's arms, and put them over his shoulders. Then he picked Tord up by his legs, and put him on his lap.

Tord: Oh, ok

Tom: So is this ok?

Tord: Yeah. You know you don't have to ask about everything

Tom: Just making sure

Tord: Look, I'll just tell you if I don't like something. Ok?

Tom: Got it

Tord: Constantly asking me if I'm ok will definitely ruin the mood

Tom: So judgy

Tord: You're judgy

Tom: I just called you cute dumbass

Tord: Saying dumbass doesn't help your case
Tom was trying to be somewhat sexy, but Tord was still as sarcastic as ever. He kinda liked it.

Tom: Oh, I'm so sorry, your majesty
Tom started sliding his hand under Tord's shirt, and up his back.

Tord: You perve

Tom: This is literally what we're here for

Tord: Is it?
Tord looked at him like he had no idea what he was talking about. Tom was too turned on to have this go on any longer.

Tom: God, you never shut up
Tom held Tord's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Tord was a bit surprised, but not in a bad way. he was glad that Tom was so forward because if it were up to him, it would go nowhere.

Tord's hand slid up and started going thrue Tom's hair. Tom slowly took Tord's hairband off, and stopped the kiss.

Tom: I like it when your hair is down

Tord: Thanks, your hair looks nice down, too

Tom: Haha, you ass

Tord: I'm not good at this, am I?

Tom: You're doing fine. Just let me handle it
That made Tord's stomack fill with butterflies.

Tom put both hands under Tord's shirt and pulled it off. Oh god, it was happening. Tom started to kiss Tord again and felt up around his upper half. Tord couldn't help but let out small sighs in pleasure of Tom's touch. Tom was going crazy for it. He put his hands up and comed thrue Tord's  hair. Tom's hand was gliding across Tord's smooth stomach when he felt a bump. He stopped and looked down.

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