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Writers note: Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I know that can be annoying. But to the few people who actually read these, thank you. I will update more, I promise, I'm just busy with stuff, so it won't be too often. I also need to work on the story more to see where I want this to go. So if anyone has any suggestions I might consider it. Or I can write a different story or smutshots, idk. Thanks for tuning in. oh i also went back and updated some. Chapters,  so you should go give them a read. <333

Tom awoke on the couch with a small headach, he was used to the hangovers by now. He had a blanket over him, but he didn't know who put it there. He heard the sounds of running water and dishes clanking together in the kitchen. Made him have to piss. He got up to go to the bathroom, and saw Tord doing the dishes, Edd was also in there, but making breakfast.

Edd: Morning, Tom

Tom: Yeah
Tom was making his way down the hallway.

Edd: Tords doing your chores again

Tom: He could have waited
Matt walked by as he said that, heading into the kitchen.

Matt: Dude, it's 3pm

Tom: Whateverr I have to piss

While Tom was in the bathroom, Matt walked into the kitchen to sit at the table. They alwase had breacfast together, it was their little routine, even though it was already late in the afternoon. Everyone had stayed up late or had gotten drunk (Tom obviously)

Edd: Morning Matt

Matt: Good morning

Edd: Oh we can plan now

Matt: Oh yeah. Tord, cmere

Tord: huh?
Matt waved him over to the table.

Tord: I'm doing the dishes

Edd: Leave them for Tom, it's his turn anyway

Tord: Yeah, ok
Tord went over and sat at the table

Matt: We have a little surprise for youuu

Tord: Huh?
Tord was a little wary, their last "surprise" ended up with him sleeping in Tom's bed.

Edd: We're gonna go swimming!!
Edd had seemingly spawed behind Tord

Tord: Jesus christ- you scared, swimming?

Matt: Yeah, one of our friends has a pool, and they're out for the weekend.

Tord: Oh, is this another party?

Edd: Nope, just us

Matt: We're gonna stay there for the whole weekend!

Tord: Oh ok

Matt: Dosen't that seem fun?

Tord: Yeah it does
Tord did like swimming

Tord: Why are we doing this?

Edd: We want to make it up to you. We did kinda let you drink yourself under the table at the party

Matt: Yeah we felt bad about that
Edd and Matt showed a lot of their kindness with gifts, it seemed like a lot to Tord, but he didn't want to be ungrateful. By this time, Tom had made his way out of the bathroom, and before he walked into the kitchen, his phone rang. Tom took his phone out of his pocket and sighed.

Tom: Yeah?
He answered the call with an annoyed tone. And walked out of the room.

After a bit, came back to the three who were planning the trip.

Edd: Who was that?

Tom: Oh, it was Krista

Matt: She's still calling?

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