Part 1

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The G8 meeting started just as every other G8 meeting would: screams of
"YOU BLOODY FROG!"- the last one accompanied by a dramatic French gasp- and other screams of pain and terror.

Everyone else was simply minding they're own business: Russia was being his usual odd self, Japan was reading a manga, Canada was getting ignored, Germany seemed exhausted, Italy was day dreaming and blabbering to Germany and Romano was scowling as usual.

All in the norm you'd think, until a bright flash of light appeared, of course, surprising everyone.

Everyone was in a sort of haze when the light passed, but they soon recovered. They looked around to their counterparts, also taking notice of the SLIGHT change in the room they were in.

The new room looked old, maybe a few centuries, but in sparkling condition. They were sitting in a living room, with two couches facing eachother, two armchairs, and a small wooden coffee table divding the four different seating spaces.

The walls themselfs were of a lightblue, the boring tipe you see on wallpaper tho. There was a fireplace on one side of the room, and two doors facing eachother led to other rooms (You don't say).

Once everyone had calmed down, they had a good look around the room, and it only took Romano a few seconds to loudly sigh. The nations focused on him, as the Italian sunk into his seat and angrily pouted.

"Dude? You ok?" Romano glared at America "Nooooooooo, guarda, I'm totally fine and sooooooo happy to be here, nooo nooo" (Embrace the sarcasm).

Then France, realizing the unmistakable sarcasm, asked "Romano? Do you know where we are? I think I recognize this place, but I don't know when I've been here or where this is"

Romano grumbled again "Of course I do, idiot. We are at the palace of Caserta"



"Vee~ you seem more angry that normal"

"Nooo, you don't say". Italy inched closer to his big brother. "But whyyy?" Romano glared at him "I hate this place. Punto"

Germany sighed and looked at the coffee table. A brown, worn looking book was placed in the middle of it, seemingly waiting for someone to open it up.

He decided to take the responsibility of such action, and picked up the book, followed by many "Nein- nEIn- NEINWESTITMIGHTKILLYOU-".

He opened it and read the first page, and surprise surprise, he started reading:

"*Insert very cool and typical text that V.305 has no idea how to write* Und it has no name at the bottom"
Germany set the book down on his lap and observed everyone else's reaction.


Of course.

He was suprised too.

Then the screaming started. Italy covered his hears, y'know, not wanting to become deaf, as everyone else shouted. Out of all this caos tho, Germany seemed relatively collected, and soon called back for order.

Italy took the book and opened it, taking a small peek inside. "What should we do now?" It was England who had asked

"Whatt'dya mean-?"

"It seem we have two options at the moment: Explore, or read, wich one should we do first?"

America actually seemed concentrated for once. "I say FIRST we explore, THEN we start reading! How about that, huh?!" He looked super proud of himself.

"I say we explore first, and Romano can be our guide!" Italy looked at his brother expectantly and it took him a wile to convince him, but at the end Romano gave up and sighed "Fine" He stood up "Get up and I'll show you around"

606 words yay

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