Part 4

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England and France went on for a short wile, until Prussia said fuk u and started reading over them

"Dear diary, I just bought this book called: How to swear around the world. I'll now be bringing this to all the meetings I attended to, because why not? -Romano". Typical Romano

"Well- I actually have it now" Romano pulled out a black book from seemingly nowhere.

"Here. Let's seeee.... Europe we have, in alphabetical order by country: Qij, Scheiße, Sranje, Kut, Po dyavolite, Preklebo, Lort- You get it" He put the book away and waved Prussia over "Now continue"

Prussia rolled his eyes but started again reading "Dear diary, I swear, if America even DARES to wish me happy mother's day I'll make him regret ever learning how to speak -England. Dear diary, time to make someone regret being able to speak -England".

England scoffed and rolled his eyes "I'm still convinced I'm being targeted"

"Maybe you are. Mom"

England got up "Screw all of you and goodbye" and left the room.

Everyone just stared at the door where England had left.

It didn't take him long to come back and poutingly sitting down where he was previously, between America and France.

Prussia took the silence as reason to start reading again "Romano started having self esteem issues when Spain tried to trade him for his brother. Now he distances himself from everyone because he's afraid that they too will eventually choose his brother over him."

Everyone looked at Romano, who was blushing from embarrassment and glaring daggers at anyone and anything.

"DUDE! SO NOT TRUE! YOU'RE AMAZING!" Romano glared even harder at America "Really! Who else would I get ideas for snarky remarks from?! You're like 99.99999999997% salt. The other 0.00000000003% is tomato".

"Ja Roma! You're awesome. Not as much as me, of course, but you're still very awesome >:3".

"Veee~ Loviii, io ti voglio beeneeee :>" Italy hugged his brother's side and looked up at him. Romano scoffed, but seemed to appreciate their comments.

About a minute or so later, Japan awkwardly coughed "I am sorry to interrupt, but I'm a bit hungry, I haven't had breakfast this morning. What if someone prepares lunch?"

"Vee~ great idea Giappone! I'll cook with Romano, and you guys can talk about what we read"

"Oh, like how the Great mom can't swim?"

"Sì, esattamente. Ok?" No one seemed contrary to the proposal, so Italy took it as a yes.

"Veee~ let's go then. Sud?" He looked at his brother, who rolled his eyes, got up and walked twoards the door "Let's go".

They walked for a short wile, until they reached two not-too-big doors. "In here's the dining room, the two of us will go in the kitchen downstairs, chiaro?" Everyone seemed to have understood, so Romano started to walk away, followed by his brother.

Once lunch was done preparing Romano brought out a cart to bring the food upstairs along with the necessary condiments. They had prepared salad, fruit, mashed potatoes, wich was a compromise between potatoes for Germany and Prussia and Romano being allowed to violently crush them, and of course pasta.

"Vee~ there is tagliatelle alla Bolognese, and farfalle al sugo rosso, but the tagliatelle are the best".

"AWESOME DUDE!". Italy smiled at that and began serving the food: both types of pasta on separate corners of the same dish, and the salad and mashed potatoes on a separate plate for everyone, including Romano. 😔🤛

At the end of the meal the two brothers were complimented for the food and Japan even offered to help clean the dishes, wich was kindly accepted.

They started by bringing the plates downstairs and into the kitchen, and of course washing them. Japan and Italy were doing the dishes, and Romano was probably lazing off.

"Itaria-kun" Japan whispered as to not be heard by Romano "Is everything ok?"

"Sì, why?"

"I have been having these strange dreams where we were all hurt, and you seemed..... different. I wanted to tell you because it's making me feel uneasy"

Italy cocked his head to the side in an uncharacteristic frown "I don't know what you're talking about Giappone. But thank you for telling me, that's very nice"

The smile returned to his face, and Japan returned the expression.

Once they finished doing the dishes Romano brought them back upstairs to the dining room to get everyone else, and then go back to the livingroom.

716 wordzz

Happy Christmas eve to whoever celebrates

Dec. 24th 2023

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