Part 3

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"Veee~ I'll continue now. Germany was actually quite shy when he was younger. He only got over it once he grew up and realized everyone around him was an idiot"

"Oui. I remember the first time that I met him he wouldn't even look at me. He just stayed in Prusse's arms the whole time. It was very cute" France states, going back into his memories.

England sighed and added "Aren't we gonna talk about how he called all of us idiots?"

America shrugged it off "I mean how wrong is he?". Everyone looked at him, not sure if they were supposed to feel offended or not.

"Vee~ I don't know, but I'll continue. America can do a British accent perfectly, much to the annoyance of England. Can you do it please?" Italy looked at him adorably, and America found that he couldn't resist.

"Sure dude. Ummm- here" He started talking in an impeccable British accent, wich the author can't really replicate, but he wasn't able to finish his last sentence, because he broke out in a fit of giggles once he saw England's pouting expression. The Brit wasn't so pleased of America's 'ability'.

Once America calmed down, Italy decided to resum reading "America used to know nothing of England's punk rock days and thought that he didn't know how to play a guitar, so he decided to teach him. Obviously he assumed 'Iggy's gonna suck so bad' but England-"

Britain smirked.

"Started 'fucking shredding the guitar' and America simply felt dumbstruck 'Old geezer can play guitar better than I can'"

Everyone was giggling again, Japan was smiling and Romano tried not to. Once everyone calmed down America spoke


"You weren't, but how could I let such occasion slip away?".

Now it was America's turn to pout. "No fair"

Once their usual quarrel was over, Italy smiled and looked at his brother "Loooviiiii, do you want to read?" Romano looked at him with a slight glare "Fine". He took the book and started reading.

"Beer-Bastard used to tell Potato-Bastard bedtime stories, but he never told him that the 'awesome knight' was actually Beer-Idiot himself. Potato-Idiot didn't figure it out until he was nearly fully grown" After a moment of silence he added "No no, I'm telling you, those are the actual names written".

Everyone rolled their eyes, accompanied by Prussia complaining:

"Ugh West, HOW COULD you have never told me that you knew" Prussia put the back of his hand over his forehead to add to his melodramatic act. Germany just shook his head, although Italy noticed a small smile for on his face.

Then Romano started reading again.

"Baguette-bastard is a lavish spender even when he doesn't have the money. He'll always go out of his way for a gift, even if it kills him later on. That's oddly innocent and kind of you, Francia"

England squinted at France with suspicion "'Have to say, I agree with Romano on this". France rolled his eyes "Well, I do it for my friends Angleterre, not for me" He looked at England awaiting a comeback. The other just crossed his arms and grumbled.

"Ok" Romano started "I'm tired of this. Tiè" He handed the book back to his brother, who looked at the others in the room "Does anyone else want to read?"

"What about the awsome me?"

"Ok! ^^" Italy gingerly got up and passed the book to Prussia.

He read the text over, stiffled a laugh and then spoke outloud "Neither Germany, or more surprisingly, England can swim"

England, wasn't very pleased about his secret being revealed, unlike Germany.

"Oh, the Great Britannia can't swim, quelle tragédie"

"Shut up frog" And then grumbled "I feel like I'm being targeted"

"Maybe you a-"

"I said shut it!"

"Kesesese~ the awesome me will now continue. Gilbird was the eagle from the Prussian flag. The only difference is that he's not as awesome anymore" Prussia felt as offended as ever. "Gilbird is awesome, just like he was before, liar" He lightly glared at the book, as if it could understand him.

His monologue was met with no replies, so after a short moment, he started reading again: "Germany is really stubborn. I agree West, you are stubborn. A lot"

Germany seemed to consider his brother's statement, then looked at Italy, the person closest to him. Italy nodded at him.

"You're VERY stubborn Germania"

"Oh. I never realized I suppose"

"Vee~ it's ok ^^"

Italy patted Germany's shoulder with a smile. Germany lightly blushed, but no one noticed luckily.

Given that there were no further interactions, Prussia started reading again "France is very picky when it comes to table manners"

"Oui, and you all disgust me in regards of this topic"

"Excuse you frog, but I have very good table manners"

"No you don't mon cœr, no you don't"

Yay, part 3 is out

815 words yayy

Dec. 16th 2023

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