Part 5

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America picked up the book this time "MY TURN TO READ DUDES!"

"Yes America, we get it"

"Just saying, moooooom. Anyways France received a lot of hatred ever since he was young. As a child, everyone called him a bastard for being the different one in Rome's children, who all received his dark-toned characteristics. Even though Rome claimed he was the 'special one' out of his siblings, he still couldn't get over the fact that mostly everyone sneered at him for being the son of a whore."

Everybody looked at France, who was embarassedly staring at the floor, a bit flush in the face. England put a hand on his his shoulder and when France turned to look at him, he half glared. Typical FrUk stuff. France gave a half smile at England's attempt to comfort an ex-enemy and chuckled. England removed his hand and rolled his eyes.

"Should I go on?" America looked at France, who nodded without saying anything. "Canada once made America cry by pointing out all of his imperfections" He glared at his brother, who innocently giggled and laughed it off.

"Not my fault if you-"

"OK BRO NEXT! Prussia learnt how to say 'my brother's paying' in over 20 languages. Dude. Nice"

"Of course💅" Prussia said as he looked at Germany, who didn't seem very pleased, but he didn't object to anything.

America then continued "Dear diary, I don't know how Germany still claims that he's straight, but I could write a whole book about how and why he's gay -Italy"

"Italie, I think you should tell us" France asked his little brother "Vee~ well, first of all, he has a boyfrie-" Italy clasped his hands over his mouth and looked at a blushing Germany "Oops?" He giggled and looked at everyone's reactions.

"Wait" America started "There was a chance that Germany WASN'T gay?" Germany blushed even more. "I think that more importantly" All eyes were on Prussia. "We should know WHO the boyfriend is".

Everyone thought about it for a good 15 seconds, before Italy veed and gave an even more derpy smile. Germany glared at him, but it didn't make as much effect considering that his face was redder than the curtains in the next room.

"Actuallyyy, I know who it isss" Italy looked at Germany again "But I won't tell you, because I pinky promised >:>"

"Awww, c'mon dude"

"Sorry America, but I can't"

"You're no fun" America pouted, but changed expression as he felt the book being stolen from his lap, by non other than Japan, who had innocently got up and took it "I suppose it won't be a problem if I read, mh?" He looked at him and saw no opposition, so he started reading.

"France got his head chopped off during the French Revolution. Since he couldn't die, he was a talking head for about a day. He managed to convince a woman into sewing his head back onto his body, though he still has a small scar on the back of his neck from it. Even as a head, he was irresistibly charming".

"Oh yea, you do have a scar there" England stated nonchalantly "Dude-" America leaned closer to England. "Why would you know-?"

Cue the characteristic silence where England blushed and hit America on the back of the head. "Kinda sus dude"

"Shut it"



"Angleterre- no need to start screaming" England surprisingly listened to France, and went back to pouting and mumbling about how he was being targeted.

"Nations tend to have fears, sometimes even irrational, that can be paralyzing, and were usually born as a result of trauma. For example, Italy is terrorized of deafening silences and being alone, or Russia with extremely cold temperatures" In Japan's voice a hint of worry could, tho difficulty, be picked up.

"Ummm" Prussia started awkwardly "Why?". Neither Russia or Italy spoke, suddenly seemingly to have found the carpet design extremely interesting. Germany put a hand on Italy's shoulder, wich quickly descended into a hug.

Romano seemed concerned as well, but decided against speaking "Vee~ I'm sure it will come up later, so what's the point of saying it now, no?" Italy looked up at Germany, who reluctantly patted his head. Italy had learned by now that such action meant 'yes'.

He lightly smiled and looked around the room. France had a concentrated expression as he observed him and Germany, but Italy didn't pay much mind to it.

Japan, not wanting to linger on the topic anymore, took the first opportunity that he had to continue reading "When they were young kids, America and Canada tried to switch places to confuse England quite a few times, but to their surprise, it never worked"

"I'll have you know that it usually didn't work because America would be too loud to mistaken for Canada. And then of course the very different eye colour helped"

This time, it was America's turn to pout.

I posted the wrong chapter the other day oops-

Jan. 8th 2024

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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