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The message that I received from Amanda was something I was afraid of happening. Deep down I knew Zane wouldn't just let me go that easily, since he was always a very possessive type of person. And I suppose that due to the recents events, he would have questions he would want to ask. Which meant he wanted to see me.

Last night at the club I ran to Charles as soon as I got the message and told him everything. Since he was staying in London and leaving later the next day, he insisted on going to my apartment and didn't want to leave me alone.

My best friend's presence made my racing thoughts muted and feel at least a little safe whilst he was still with me. On the brighter side, we got to spend another day with each other, plus - this time with no PR and media around.

"Wakey wakey oeufs et pâtisserie," [wakey wakey eggs and bakey] weird that I heard a morning greeting that Pascale always said in mornings when we were young - I was in my apartment, not in Monaco. I was lying comfortably in my bed, my eyes closed and still half asleep.

And then suddenly, my blanket got pulled off my body, making me immediately snap my eyes open and jolt up. The Monegasque idiot that was standing in front of my bed, dressed in one of my oversized hoodies, cackled uncontrollably as he held the blanket in his arms.

"You fucker," I mumbled and was about to run after him and slap him for waking me up this way, however as soon as moved, a sharp pain went through my head, making the exact opposite of standing up. I groaned as I plopped back down on my bed.

Charles chuckled and left my room for a little while, most likely looking for something because I heard ruffling of my boxes in the kitchen. And when he came back, he was holding a glass of water in one hand and a pill in the other. "Sit up, grincheuse." [grumpy]

I did as he instructed and took the painkiller and swallowed it with the whole glass of water, "I take the fucker back, you're an angel sent from heaven now."

"I know," he said in a duh tone, "You're gonna have to tell me what kind of brand these painkillers are, I took one and it worked literally less than ten minutes after."

"Did you not look at the logo?" I arched my brow.

"It was peeled off..."

"And are you sure these were painkillers?"  I peeked at him with my eyes and he furrowed his brows with pursed lips.

"It helped, I don't care if I die now, at least I'm not feeling the headache," Charles threw his arms around and stood up from my bed, "Get up, let's do something."

"It's a lazy day today!" I called out and threw one of my hoodies on before getting out of the bed and shuffling behind Charles like a toddler, joining him in my living room.

Charles left around five o'clock in the afternoon, as he soon had a plane to catch. I know I said it was a lazy day, but to feel at least a little productive, I cleaned up the dishes we used and basically tidied my entire apartment.

Then because I felt bad for not working out for two days, I put on my sports set and ran around my usual track around the apartment complex. And it was also because moving was my only solution to get my mind off things. So because of that, I also did a workout at home.

Tired and sweaty, I laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling. The last time I worked out like this was when I was around fifteen, when I struggled with a lot of things and couldn't help myself in any other way. Or at least that's what I was convinced about.

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