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I never understood the made up time rules. How is it possible that whenever you want something so much, the time is almost motionless yet when you're having the time of your life it flies by so fast you don't even get to realise it?

These past five days flew by like a flash of lightning. At the beginning I was worried about whatever might happen and today I'm here at the airport hardly holding back tears.

"Ma chérie," Genevieve wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug, rubbing her hand up and down my back.

"Promise you'll come to more races?" I squeezed her a little before letting go and holding her hands, "I'd enjoy company."

"You know I used to go there alone as well? Sat there for many hours whilst you laughed at me through texts when I was hiding from Netflix?" she said with a challenging look and raised brows, making me guiltily smile at her. "But I'll be at Monza, the next one maybe and definitely the last one."

My eyes lifted up in excitement as I hugged her again whilst the time of my flight was announced. Lando was nowhere to be seen, excusing himself to go to the toilet, so I used that as a spare time to properly say bye to Charles, that was standing beside us with hands in his pockets and head looking down.

"Charmeleon," I walked up to him and he raised his face to me that was spread with sadness. Wrapping my arms around his torso, he did the same, I sueezed my eyes shut so the tears wouldn't escape down my cheeks, whispering, "I don't want to go."

So many things awaited for me back in England. The last year of my university studies was approaching fast and I was already making plans of how I'm going to manage my time. There were also some emails and brand deals sitting in my mailbox, unedited videos that I haven't touched nor looked at since the Belgium GP, which was..yeah I need to sort that out fast. The only thing I was excited about was my family that I was about to see. Potentially even with Lando.

And the sadness was mostly because I just didn't want to leave Charles or Genevieve. Pretty dramatic - I know - when I was aware that I'm going to be seeing Charles at the next GP and both of them at Monza. But hey, it's always like this after you spend all your time with the people on vacation.

Charles rocked us from side to side in our hug, providing comfort that was very much needed. The flight to London was announced again and that made us pull away.

"Wipe that off your face," he remarked and pointed at me. I scoffed and nudged him in his arm.

"Speak for yourself," I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath, looking around in an attempt to find the Brit that was supposed to fly with me, "Where the hell is he?"

"I think he's shitting himself because he's going to have to deal with you on the flight," Charles said playfully.

I gave him a dirty look, "Why are you so snarky?"

"It's my coping mechanism, you should've known by now."

"Spare the poor girl," Genevieve intervened, patting her boyfriend on his shoulders and pointing somewhere behind me, "He's there."

Turning around, there was the guy all in black, wearing his signature glasses that were partially hiding his identity. The look was so simple yet so handsome at the same time. Screw him for looking so effortlessly good all the time.

Saying the final goodbyes to Charles and Genevieve, we parted our ways. I grabbed my suitcase and walked up to Lando, who immediately put his hand on my lower back in order to keep me close to him in the crowd of people.

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