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I realised I tend to make more and more spontaneous decisions each day since the start of this summer break - starting off with the dating stunt.

My leg kept bouncing up and down as the car drove through the streets of evening London that was glooming with summer. And if it wouldn't be for the car suddenly stopping and me halting forward in my seat, followed by a honk of another car from outside, I'd still be zoned out.

"Shut the fuck up, dickhead," snarky comments were made as Lando looked at me after he turned the wheel to another street, "You okay?"

"Yep," I answered shortly and dishonestly. Well, that was for interpretation, because physically I was okay but mentally I wanted to throw myself somewhere.

In a nutshell, Lando, being his usual Lando-self, agreed to go to dinner with Amanda and her boyfriend. I wouldn't have a problem doing that - I love going out with them - but the thing that was worrying me was the fact me and Lando would have to play pretend. I knew Amanda can go through almost every lie a tell her, and I wasn't entirely sure how I'm going to manage to make it believable. How we are going to manage to make it believable.

Lando and I stepped out of the car right as he parked and went side by side with my hand around his arm to the restaurant. Right as we stepped in, my eyes met the familiar green ones from across the room. Amanda flew to my arms as we were halfway to our table, where her boyfriend already sat patiently.

"Eli, I'm glad you could make it!" Amanda squeezed me in her arms. I chuckled and pulled away before looking at her with a big smile.

"I'm glad you invited us," I pulled away completely and sighed before standing next to Lando, who gave me a content look before I motioned between my friend and her boyfriend and my fake boyfriend, "Well guys, I'm sure you know this man next to me, Lando, this is my other bestie Amanda and her boyfriend Pete."

Amanda and Pete shook hands with Lando, "It's an honour to meet you, Lando."

"Honour is on my side," Lando smiled boyishly and as the introductions were made, we sat down at the table and ordered food for the night.

When the waiter left with our orders on a list, a brief regular conversation was made at our table. Then my redhead friend started, "So, I know you two have been together for a little while but I think Eli - yes, I'm looking at you - forgot to tell me how all that happened? Because I remember she wasn't particularly fond of you at first."

I choked on my drink.

Lando smirked beside me, eyeing me up and down, "Oh no, she wasn't very fond of me, I remember that." I gave him a death glare, but the one that couldn't actually tell the real story, and he continued. "But now I think she's over that stage."

Amanda looked at me with a smirk, "I can see that, her eyes say it all."

If my eyes say I want this conversation to be over, then yes. Lando chuckled and put his hand on my thigh under the table - but visible for the pair on the opposite side of us - "True, her eyes do speak for her."

Another death glare made was toward Lando but then I smiled contently, "Well, I love that I'm the centre of the attention at this table right now, but what about you guys? How have you been?"

Pete and Amanda started talking about what was going on in their life but the only thing I could focus on was Lando's hand that was still placed on my thigh. I wore a black top with long sleeves and a leather skirt which made his hand be exactly on my bare skin. From time to time he would draw small circles with his fingers which made shivers go down my spine.

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