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It seemed like the date from that night worked. Some photos got released right away and it spread around the internet pretty fast. Sometimes I was amazed how much of an impact it has when a famous person starts dating someone. Especially in our case, when we both had some amount of audience, it was twice as easy.

Lando looked like his usual self whilst I looked like the shy new girlfriend following her boyfriend behind, as we were supposedly soft-launching our new relationship. There were also some photos where we were giving each other some sort of a smile, looking like it's our honeymoon era.

But it was all fake.

The reality of it all was that I spent the whole night restless. I knew I kind of put myself in the situation where Lando just had to remind me that I can't expect him to be all in love with me just because we are working together on this. I was actually very aware of that fact, but I didn't like the way he thought I was thinking any differently.

I wasn't expecting anything good. Was I expecting him to be a little nicer to me? Maybe yes. Was I expecting that he would be irritating? Oh yes. But I couldn't let him treat me like the way he did that night.

And I was planning on making that very clear to him tonight. Yesterday he flew back from the latest race and texted me to meet up with him for another dinner today. It was a week since we last saw each other, in which we didn't speak a word. From my side it might've been childish, but I was disappointed.

Tonight I chose to wear my usual outfit because I didn't feel like putting a dress on, so I went for wide leg blue jeans with black top and black leather jacket on top. I let my hair straight and my makeup simple.

Lando N

The message was my cue to leave. I locked my apartment and headed down to the lobby and outside, where the shiny black McLaren parked right in front of the entrance.

"Hi," I got inside and fastened my seatbelt. Lando said a quiet greeting himself and drove away right after. Even he seemed like he dressed more comfortably today, in which he wore a light grey sweatshirt with black jeans.

"It's a little further away and we can't go there by car so we're gonna have to walk," he pulled into some parking lot and parked in the back of it. It was probably because he wanted to make sure his car is not surrounded by others, because when we got out of the car, there were only few but not exactly next to his one.

We walked through the parking lot and headed to a small park. Neither of us spoke, we just walked in silence that was accompanied by sounds from passing cars or leaves quietly rustling. So whilst we were all alone for a little longer, I decided to speak, "I didn't think you'd be treating me any differently by the way. The only thing I'm going to ask you is to treat me with respect. Because last time you weren't really doing that."

He looked at me with no emotion, "I wasn't really fair to you, I admit that. We can discuss some things tonight if you still want to."

"I'd appreciate that," I nodded.

We continued walking until we were reaching the end of the park, where a lot more people were walking by. All of a sudden, I felt someone take my hand which made me snap my focus towards it, but my heart beat slowed down when I realised it was just Lando.

For a second I was confused why he'd do that. And then I realised it's for the look, to make it more believable. Last time we were just spotted together made everyone almost confident about us being in a relationship, so I think he knew what he was doing by this action. He was sort of confirming it.

I usually wasn't weirded out by holding hands with someone. However this felt strange. Holding hands with Lando felt strange. It felt cold even though his hands were warm. It wasn't real.

We sped up our pace to make it to the traffic light that was just about to run out. Lando made sure no one came into our way, but I was sure some people recognised him. I'd actually be surprised if no one would recognise a Formula 1 World Champion.

Then we came to a crossroad where there was no crosswalk. I winced silently at the fact we probably had to cross the street full of passing cars because Lando pointed to the building we were going to which was right at the other side.

Looking right and left to check no cars were passing, he held my hand tightly and quickly went across the street. I was clutching his hand while walking close behind him. This man seriously had a death wish.

Thanking the heavens above, we arrived safely to the other side where we went to the restaurant. We ordered our food and waited, when two guys approached us, "Are you Lando Norris?"

"Yeah, that'd be me," Lando replied with his eyes on one of the guys that was holding a phone in his hand. They took selfies and Lando also signed their hand. Then one of the guys turned his head toward me with a smile.

"You're Elianna, right?"

"I am," I smiled politely, he grinned and looked at Lando who was sitting on the opposite side of me.

"Thank you for the photos," they thanked and then the one who spoke to me said to Lando, "You're lucky to have her, congrats you two,"

"You have no idea, cheers mate," the driver countered with a smirk and then looked back at me when the two guys left.

I smiled teasingly and raised my brows, "You're lucky to have her, mate."

He rolled his eyes and pursed his lips at me, "You're going to the next two races, just so you know."

"I'm what?" the previous playfulness changed into seriousness, "How am I gonna afford–"

"Before you start freaking out about the money part - you're going with me, so you get a free VIP pass. Everything's settled already," he cut me off, explaining calmly.

"Oh, okay," I huffed. I knew I'd probably have to go to some races if I'm the girlfriend of an F1 driver, but I didn't expect to get free passes. But I certainly wasn't complaining, because it also meant more time with Charles.

And just as I thought about it, Lando spoke again, "It means you're mostly going to be at McLaren, so if I were you, I'd get some team clothes with the LN on it. Oh, and don't even think about wearing red."

I would have scratched that stupid grin off his face if I could. Then I got curious, "And if I don't wear McLaren clothes with your name on it?"

"Then I'll make you wear it," he leaned his head on the palms of his hands that he propped on the table. I won't lie, my heart skipped a beat due to the intensity with which his eyes focused on me.

"When is the next race?" I leaned back on the chair, changing the topic and regaining my composure.

"Next week, it's in Austria."

▷ • ---------- • ϟ

Hello hello!

Thank you so much for all the reads and votes! Like over 17k reads? Oh lord. It means a bunch❤️

If you haven't noticed yet, I changed the cover of the story to one of the new photos of Lando that got released recently. I'm completely obsessed with them btw.


- remember to to vote, comment and share - just the basics :)

adiós, c

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