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"Let's go to Vegas, it will be fun!" they said.

Sounded fun until I found that there's a Grand Prix going on. My mind has been so overloaded with uni that I even stopped watching Formula 1 myself and only got info from daily talks with Charles. And, don't get me wrong, going to the GP sounded thrilling as well, but when a person you confessed your feelings for - and haven't talked to for nearly a quarter of the year - is literally the main character of the event, it doesn't sound that nice now does it?

I was still so confused about the whole situation. Why...now? Why did he decide that now is the right time to confess? After such a long time, and right when I finally started to move on and accepted the fact that it's for the best. My feelings were a strangled mess of contrast between anger and joy. The heart was filled with happiness and craved to run straight into his arms, the brain wanted to run as far away from him as possible.

Spontaneity is a trait I definitely do not lack in my life. But it's never certain in which version it will come. Sometimes I wish I had a little more of it, the other second it's my whole personality. But sometimes the things that are unexpected are the best that can happen.

And after calling my source of wisdom and support - also a source of fuel to my delusions - Genevieve and Charles, suddenly I was on a plane, on a journey to America. 

However, the adrenaline washed away right as we stepped to the hotel we stayed at. My hand was linked around Genevieve's arm, sunglasses covering my eyes that scanned the expensive hotel lobby that was also decorated with some posters of the upcoming F1 weekend. It was a big event, since it would be the first time the drivers raced here. And of course, he was in many of the pictures. Averting my gaze away, I focused it on the receptionist and checked in.

My room was on the opposite side of Charles and Genevieve, in which I was told other people from the Ferrari team were on the upper floor and Charles decided to stay with his girlfriend. That whole fact made me realise that there could be other drivers in the hotel, but I didn't want to pay attention to that.

Since the schedule of the Grand Prix was a bit changed, Charles was already on track. However because Genevieve and I were busy with work and university, we flew in just for the quali and the race.

Our hotel was right beside the circuit, so we had a perfect view right on it. I've never been to Vegas before, and surely it's one of the destinations that one can dream of visiting, and once you're actually there, it feels unbelievable. I also realised how lucky I am to have these kinds of opportunities and cherished it even more.

Ever-since summer I haven't really been active anywhere social media wise, which this trip wasn't an exception, but I did film some short clips just in case I'd use it later. And honestly, this demotivation to do every single thing that usually brings me joy has been tiring me enough. So when I picked out my camera, that I hadn't forgotten to bring, it felt like a relief.

Genevieve and I walked around, talked in a very instagram-friendly café we found, and it all made me forget about what I'm about to face in the evening. However, right as we stepped out of our hotel and entered through the gates with our passes, the nerves kicked in. I didn't even particularly know why. The strategy in my head; if I'm going to stay away from the McLaren garages, then the potential of running into him is tiny. Or at least I hope.

It started to be quite chilly during the evening, so from our initial plan to stay in the garages, we changed the spot of our stay to the Ferrari lounge. As Genevieve remarked, we were surrounded by a bunch of influencers and celebrities, which was actually something that made me somewhat calm - given the fact the media will most likely rather choose to film them than me.

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