Chapter 11

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Rumeng was having fun inside the Imperial Study. Eunuch Zhu who stood by, was horror-stricken by him. This Rumeng dared to sit on the personal seat of the Emperor and flip through the memorials that were prohibited to any. Was he tired of living?

"His Majesty had gone to summon the morning court session." Rumeng threw away a memorial which flew over Zhu's head.

"He won't be back this quick! Why are you shivering? Have you ever seen a devoted bodyguard like me who helps His Majesty to maintain his memorials?"

That remains to be clearly seen... Or should it be called, helping His Majesty to get rid of memorials?

A cold and a pale hand picked up the thrown memorial from the broadloom.

Eunuch Zhu was thunder struck. He did not know when the Emperor had arrived.

Rumeng's jaw dropped. "Your... Your... Your Majesty!" He quickly moved out of the seat.

Mingxuan did not care. His slender pale fingers opened the memorial in his hand and he skimmed through it with creased brows. "Eunuch Zhu can leave now." He said expressionlessly.

Eunuch Zhu sweated. He could only look at Rumeng with a congratulating look.

But Rumeng still looked calm and collected, as if the person who was at fault wasn't him.

Meanwhile, the Emperor who read the memorial furrowed his brows. "Martial Luo?"

"En." Rumeng said with a smile. "Our old friend. He had suddenly remembered he has a home. You would approve it, won't you?"

Martial Luo was the handsome young General who was the leader of all the forty two generals of Xuan Huang. He normally resided at the North Western border of the Xuan Huang territory, at an enormous fortress which overlooked the sight for leagues and leagues around.

He rarely returned to Yunshan and it was only under an Imperial edict or by the summonings of the Emperor. It was more that ten years since he was last seen at Yunshan.

"The borders are already pacified. The enemy doesn't dare to bring up trouble for the time." Rumeng said pouting his mouth. "Why don't we ask him to come for few months?"

Mingxuan threw the memorial to Rumeng. "Approve it yourself then!"

Rumeng smiled sheepishly, digging his hand under the jade desk. Mingxuan creased his brows. "Why is the Jade Seal under the desk?"

But Rumeng definitely was not going to say that early morning he forced Eunuch Zhu to play catch ball with the Jade Seal... He looked at his brother with an extra pleasant look. "Jade Seal grew wings..."

However at the mention of Luo Jianfeng, Mingxuan was strangely silent for a while. He sank back to his usual seat forth the jade desk while his memories ran back unknown even to him through the hateful days of his childhood.

(Twenty three years ago...)

Seven years old Mingxuan staggered up the stairs with bruises all over his limbs. There was a hideous cut across his left cheek. His half torn robes were very dirty. There weren't guards at the entrance to the hall. He sneaked a glance inside.

Lord Yuxun was tutoring the little Imperial kids. It was calm and peaceful inside as the disciples listened to their master's teachings with utmost concentration. Little Mingxuan pursed his bleeding lips. He saw his elder brother Zhanwei, seated in the front most line, holding a brush elegantly in his slender hand. An enormous parchment laid spread across the desk forth him.

At moments, Mingxuan wondered why on earth he cannot sit by the side like them and learn what they learned. Other kids of his age had already started Cultivation training. They learned Sword Arts and Archery during morning session and calligraphy and poetry during afternoon.

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