Chapter 03

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With a loud bang, the Emperor threw the tea cup and it crashed onto the jade stairway, shattering into pieces.

The entire Court Hall immediately felled onto their knees. "Your Majesty! Calm down!"


The Emperor slowly stood up from the throne. His handsome figure was majestic than ever. But his cold eyes flashed in a dangerous light. He slowly stepped down the jade stairway and came towards Lord Hongyun.

The cold air of the Emperor forced the last bit of warmness to retreat. The officials couldn't help but feel terrified. Lord Hongyun regretted that he spoke but it was too late...

The Emperor stepped forward and personally helped Lord Hongyun to stand up. Hongyun only felt dizzy. He did not know whether it was because of the Emperor's murderous aura or because he was feeling unwell.

But he clearly felt the big arms holding his shoulders were terrifyingly strong. He even heard the sound of his own shoulder bones cracking. He didn't dare to look at the Emperor.

The Emperor was actually smiling. But that kind of smile was more frightening than daggers and swords. The Court Hall was in a silence that even a needle drop could be clearly heard.

"My good Lord Hongyun, would you believe if Zhen say that this murder wasn't done by the Fourth Prince?"

The Emperor said in a gentle voice but anyone could sense the hostility within those words.

And Xiangge who remained calm through out the court session until now, suddenly started trembling. His heart was racing wildly. He silently wiped away the tears from the back of his tight sleeve. He did not know what exactly to feel right now. It was ferocious like a thunderclap. But it was also comforting like spring rains amid summer droughts.

Hongyun stuttered nervously. "This ... Your ... Your Majesty..."

The Emperor walked towards the mid of the hall with his hands behind his back. His wide sleeves that reached the jade floor fluttered in the wind that stole through the open entrance. Outside it thundered with a flash of lightning followed by an ear splitting roar.

"Three evidences against one." He said in his unfaltering voice. "First two are supposed to be guesses from clues while the other two are in danger of being fake. None of them can be considered as solid evidences."

No one dared to refute this time. They all knelt silently, wishing their heads could be safe.

But the Emperor sneered. "But as your Emperor, Zhen indeed has to solve your suspicions, shouldn't it be so?"

Still silence .....

"Rise, my officials!" The Emperor waved his hand. "Zhen said before that Zhen has many ways to track a murderer."

The Officials slowly stood one by one, bowing. "We Officials thank Your Majesty!"

The Emperor strode to Xiangge. He did not ask Xiangge to stand. "Lord Mingshan, summon your weapon."

The Officials exchanged blank looks. Why would His Majesty ask for Xiangge's weapon? How can a weapon solve a matter? Besides, everyone was aware what a Divine Weapon meant.

It was a sacred holy weapon merged with one's blood, bones and soul. It could be summoned by the owner whenever needed. But even if it was not summoned, it would naturally come out by itself to defend it's master in peril, unless the owner retrain it. Divine Weapons had such wisdom which made them so famous and special.

But they were sacred after all. Such weapons were lethal and dangerous. Not very one can handle them even among the skilled. Only a few were there even among the ones with higher cultivation levels who really owned one.

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