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ITS BEEN A month since Alma met the cast of 'You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah' and it's been the best time for her. She's been talking to Dylan Hoffman, he's been showing a lot of interest in her and she's been showing a lot of interest in him.

she's now getting ready for his football game that she got invited to by him. Alma put on a red cropped tube top on, a red zip up and white jean shorts with red boots because red is his schools color.

Alma sat down on her vanity chair and looked at her self in the mirror putting her hair slicked back in to a high pony then she put two braids in it. she then started to do her make up, she went with natural because she's been breaking out.

she went to the living room to see her mom and her cousin "is this too much?" Alma asked her mom "ayy mami te ves tan hermosa" Luisa got up to kiss her daughter on the head "gracias mami" Alma smiled.

"let's go" Luisa said in her thick mexican accent "it's a bit too early" Alma checked her phone to see its two-thirty-two "yes but if you want to see Dylan a couple minutes before the game we have to leave now" Luisa said in a duh tone "you right" Alma smiled.

they all walked to the car "Mimi sit in the back with me" Alejandro said as Alma approached the passenger seat, Alma looked at her mom who gave her the mom look "fine" Alma faked smiled.

Alma's aunt is out of town for work and they're taking care of her little cousin, so Luisa and Alejandro are going because she needs to know Alma's safe but their not going to be next to each other. Alma's going to be in the student section while Luisa and her little nephew are going to be standing with Dylan's parents.

they put their seat belts on "are we going to see your boyfriend?" Alejandro asked "they're not together yet" Luisa said as she drove out of their driveway "yeah, yet" Alma smiled hard.

"okay lets take a selfie" Alma took out her phone as she posed with her cousin, she did different poses while he just smiled.

THEY PULLED IN to the schools parking lot, they're fifteen minutes early and Alma's starting to get nervous because she's meeting his friends, the friends that seen him everyday and the friends that probably known him since he was in kindergarten.

"mama stop being nervous" Luisa said making her daughter nod, they got out of the car and got in the long line as they waited Alma gave the phone to her mom with the camera app already opened.

"take a 0.5 of me and Ale porfa" Alma said making her mom frown "i don't know how to do that" Luisa said making Alma sigh "dame" Luisa gave the phone back and Alma put 0.5 back, they took a few pictures the Luisa gave the phone back.

"gracias mami" Alma said as she looked at the phone "you're welcome beautiful" Luisa kissed Alma's head. Alma and Alejandro were talking about school, Alejandro's still in elementary school so he was talking about his friends while Alma was complaining, how hard high school is.

"tickets?" the women said making my mom open up her email to show she bought three tickets "go ahead" they all went in and Alma opened her phone and called Dylan who picked up quick.

"hi, we're here" Alma said "Alma, i can't see you before the game which sucks but i'll send one of my friends to find you so you guys can sit together with the rest of my friends" Dylan explained making Alma frown a little "oh okay" Alma said "someone text Mercedes and tell her" Alma heard on the other side of the phone.

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