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DYLAN IS GETTING worried, Alma hasn't texted him since last night now it's the afternoon. Dylan understands that sometimes Alma is busy but she would tell him or try to text back.

Dylan kept calling Dylan Dash so she finally answered "whatt, i'm atrying to play roblox" she with an attitude "Dee, is Alma okay?" Dylan asked making Dylan Dash frown "i don't know, what happened?" Dylan Dash asked worriedly "she hasn't even answered me since last night and it's now five p.m" Dylan said.

"boy maybe she's busy" Dylan Dash said "she would always try to text me and she would say that she's busy" Dylan explained "that's true, i'll try to text her" Dylan Dash said "okay... what if she's mad at me?" Dylan asked randomly "why would she be mad at you?" Dylan Dash asked as she texted Alma.

"i don't know" Dylan said "okay i texted her" Dylan Dash said "has she responded?" Dylan asked "no, i just texted her" Dylan Dashed laughed "ima go because my friend is yelling at me to play with her again" Dylan Dahs said making Dylan sigh "a'igh , tell me if she has texted you" Dylan said "i will Dyl don't worry" Dylan Dash said.

on the other hand Luisa is waking up Alma " ya párate mija" Luisa said, it's five in the afternoon and she hasn't seen her daughter at all.

"noo mami" Alma said "no get up, take a shower and eat" Luisa said making Alma sigh "i'm going to stay here till you get up, i have all the time in the world" Luisa said making Alma sigh and she got up.

"i'll walk you to the bathroom" Alma nodded as her mom walked her to the bathroom. they made it to the bathroom, Luisa already put some pj shorts and a hoodie on the closed toilet seat and there was her hello kitty towel already handing.

"yell if you need help" Luisa said, Alma just nodded as she turned the water on. as Alma showered Luisa went to Alma's room to clean it a bit then she went in the kitchen and brought mac and cheese for Alma.

a couple minutes later Alma came in her room to see it was clean and there's food on her vanity while Luisa is on her bed "i'm going to check up on Ale okay, yell or call me if you need something" Luisa got up from Alma's bed "okay thank you mami" Alma smiled "anything for you mi reina" Luisa kissed Alma on the head then left.

Alma but her dirty laundry in the laundry hamper then she sat down and started to eat her mac and cheese.

"Alexa play Ivan Cornejo" Alma told Alexa "okay playing Ivan Cornejo" Alexa said the 'Perro Abandonado' came up making Alma sing.

"cuántos meses han pasado y no me olvido de ti?" Alma sung along with Ivan "varias páginas en mi calendario que voltié. siempre hallas tu camino adentro de mi mente" Alma continued singing along then she started eating her food.

then her favorite part came "y ojalá que no les digas todos los chistes que te decía y los secretos, esos siempre llevo En mi corazón solo vives tú. me dejaste bien dañado como un perro abandonado" Alma sung with a lot of emotion.

ALMA IS NOW in the living room because her mom is making her watch a show, she's back on her phone. she saw that Dylan sent her ten plus text messages but she's still not going to answer.

then she saw that Dylan Dash sent her a text making her open it. 'hey pretty let's catch up we haven't talked in soo long call me when you can' Alma read making her smile.

at the same moment Alma walked to her room and called Dylan on facetime who answered quickly "Almaa" Dylan said as she picked up "Dee" Alma smile "how's it going babe?" Dylan asked "it's going... how bout you Dee?" Alma asked "i've been good" Dylan's said making Alma smile.

"anyways i've been dying to know how you and Dylan are" Dylan said excitedly making Alma sigh "i don't think it's going anywhere" Alma said making Dylan frown "what do you mean?" Dylan frowned.

"you know his friend Alyssa?" Alma asked "yeah she's a total bitch" Dylan said making Alma smile "her friend Crystal sent a photo of Alyssa and Dylan kissing at a party" Alma said.

Dylan's mouth dropped in shock "wait what?" Dylan said "i'll screen share to show you" Alma said making Dylan nod. Alma proceeded to open her instagram messages and she scrolled till she found Crystals message and she opened it again.

"when a girl starts with 'hey girl' it's never a good thing" Dylan said making Alma nod, Dylan then read the whole thing making her mad "who the fuck does this bitch think she is" Dylan said.

"she really said 'if i was talking to a guy i really liked, i would like to know so i had to tell you. hope your okay my love' she's pissing me off" Dylan mimicked.

"but are you okay?" Dylan asked making Alma shrug "i mean, i don't know. if i'm being honest my mom made me get up from my bed like two hours ago" Alma explained making Dylan nod.

"Al baby, don't get beat up just because that dick head lead you on, i'm so mad. why would Dylan ever do that?" Dylan asked herself .

"i don't know, like i thought we had something you know. like i've never liked someone that much, not even my celebrity crush" Alma said making Dylan laugh a bit "nah your real for that" Dylan said making Alma smile.

"ima have to tell of Dylan" Dylan said with a sigh "no" Alma said "yes, i know you don't want me to but i have to do girl, he texted and called me so many times today to see if you were okay. he was playing with both of us because why is he acting like he didn't just break my bffs heart?" Dylan rolled her eyes.


NOTE— im writing sm bc i had my phone token bc i skipped school yesterday 🤗 n sorry for the spelling mistakes 

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