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"There she is!" Nayeon patted on Jihyo's shoulders excitedly. Jihyo remained in her spot with a blank stare.

Nayeon nudged her teammate again, "you said you were going to make a move if you see her again. Now that she's finally here again, what are you waiting for?!"

Jihyo shrugged, "I don't know. She's beautiful and kind, don't you think she already has someone special by now?"

You have been working at your parents' cafe whenever you have an off day from work. To cut some costs, your parents decided to handle the cafe by themselves but sometimes the crowd is too much for them to handle, given that they opened the cafe near JYP Entertainment.

It was an ordinary day when you first started helping out at the cafe, but TWICE frequent the cafe often as the coffee and desserts are the best here. Jihyo visits the cafe most often as she always volunteers to buy coffee and snacks for the girls. And when she first laid eyes on you, deep down she knew you would be the one, even if she didn't admit it yet.

If she stops being a coward and just ask you out.

"I know for a fact that she doesn't have someone special because she's been giving you googly eyes since she first saw you, like how you have been ogling her every time you come here."

"I don't ogle!" Jihyo smiled sheepishly, "But... do you think she likes me too?" Jihyo finally looked at Nayeon for the first time since they arrived outside of the cafe.

"Only one way to find out," Nayeon shrugged. "Stop ogling her and just talk to her!" Nayeon pushed Jihyo into the cafe without a warning.

It was still fairly early so the morning crowd has yet to arrive. Jihyo, still standing in the middle of the cafe awkwardly, scratched the back of her neck and slowly walked up to you.

"Good morning, Jihyo-ssi." You greeted her with a smile. And honestly, it was great to see Jihyo so early in the morning. Your day definitely started out right.

"Y—you know me?" Jihyo asked with wide eyes.

You thought you were going to die because Jihyo was being the cutest person on Earth.

"Of course, who doesn't? You're TWICE." You teased her. "Besides, I take your order every time you are here."

"Ah, right, right. Cool."

"Are you here to buy coffee for your members?"

Jihyo shook her head. Now you were really curious.

"I came to buy you coffee." Jihyo blurted out without thinking much.

"What?" You were stunned.

While you have a tiny crush on Jihyo among the TWICE members, you knew it was impossible that your crush on Jihyo turn into something more. Not when they're world stars and you're just a top lawyer in Seoul and a part time barista.

"I mean, I want to buy you coffee." Jihyo corrected herself, but found herself unable to look you in the eyes.

"You want to buy me coffee, in my parents' cafe?"

"Seriously, get it together, Park Jyo!" Jihyo muttered under her breath before looking up and smiling at you.

"I mean I want to take you out for coffee. A coffee date." Jihyo said confidently, but felt her confidence crumbling down when she noticed the frown on your face. "You know what, never mind. Someone so beautiful and kind like you wouldn't be interested in someone like me."

Before Jihyo could take another step, you grabbed her gently by her arm, "wait! What do you mean, someone like you? You're amazing, Jihyo-ssi."

Jihyo turned back around, "you think I'm awesome?"

You laughed, "you really care about what I think, huh?" You walked around the counter to stand in front of Jihyo, with no barriers between the two of you. "You're a world star, Jihyo-ssi. I'm just a lawyer who works in my parents' cafe when I have an off day. We're from different worlds, you'd be better off with someone of your class and status."

"What?! That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. I'm just a normal human being, too. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever set eyes on. And you're also hardworking. Hardworking women are the most attractive. If it were up to me, you'd be number one in the Top 100 Most Beautiful Women list."

You blushed and took a moment, "So... you think this could work?" You gestured between you and Jihyo with your index finger.

"If you'd give me a chance." Jihyo pulled a piece of paper from her back pocket and handed it to you. It was a piece of paper with her phone number on it.

"Okay." You took the paper and went back behind the counter. "I'll call you."

"I'll be waiting." Jihyo winked and walked out of the cafe where Nayeon was jumping up and down like a bunny, clapping her hands softly.

"Now that wasn't so difficult, was it?" Nayeon side hugged Jihyo while they walked back to the company.

"Unnie, it was the hardest thing I've ever done, and I trained for ten years before I debuted." Jihyo had to wipe the sweat that formed on the back of her neck while trying to look like she was confident in front of you.

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