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The school meal club poked their heads into JeongJiMi's dorm, and refused to enter.

"Unnie, why can't you deal with it?" Chaeyoung asked, looking at Jeongyeon hiding behind them.

"Yeah, you would rather escape from your dorm than to deal with them?"

Jeongyeon nodded her head, "it's bad enough I have to hear them when they have sexy time. I'm not getting myself involved in their petty fights."

"This isn't a petty fight though, it's pretty big." Tzuyu said.

"Big or petty, I don't care. I don't want to deal with them, so you three go!" Jeongyeon, without a warning, pushed the school meal club into the dorm.

They stumbled in one by one, each with an embarrassed smile on their faces. You looked up to find the babies looking at you.

"Hi," Dahyun waved and you only smiled back.

"We heard you and Jihyo unnie are fighting, and we hope you can make up." Dahyun sat next to you, "look at Jeongyeon unnie! She's so stressed that she's stress eating! Look at her swollen face!"

Trust Dahyun to pick on Jeongyeon and insult her as revenge.

"She's being an asshole, and I'm not talking to her until she talks to me."

Dahyun sighed, and they all looked to Jeongyeon for help.

"Ugh, Mina is so lucky she's on a personal schedule and not here to deal with this mess!" Jeongyeon marched towards you and grabbed you by the arm.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" You hit Jeongyeon's arms hoping she'd let go, but she didn't.

She dragged you all the way to Jihyo's room and opened the door without knocking. You saw your girlfriend sitting by the window staring at the clear blue sky.

"What's going on?" Jihyo asked in her nasally voice. You could tell she'd been crying and your heart ached a little.

"Me and the girls are tired of you two acting like this fight is not affecting you! So I'm locking you two in here until you sort things out!" Jeongyeon exited the room and stood outside to guard the door. "I'm serious!"

"Were you crying?" You asked the obvious.

Jihyo nodded.

"I don't know why you're so mad about this, baby."

"Because you lied! You told me that you and Daniel had nothing going on! And that you were just acquaintances!"

"And that is true! We're just acquaintances! I only went to dinner with him to tell him that I already have someone special. I didn't know paparazzis would be there!"

"That's your problem, Jihyo! You tell me half-truths! You told me you were meeting him, not having a dinner date with him."

"FOR GOODNESS SAKE, IT'S NOT A DATE." Jihyo yelled, her patience stretching thin.

Your lower lip trembled, and Jihyo immediately engulfed you in a hug. You fought it at first, but Jihyo's embrace only got tighter. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you."

You pulled away and wiped your tears, "it's fine."

"No, it's not fine." Jihyo ran a hand through her hair, "I didn't tell you about the dinner because I didn't want you to overthink. Babe, I really went to that dinner with the intention of letting him know that me and him have zero chance of being together. I know that dating me is difficult, but I don't want to lose you to somebody else. I'm just afraid that one day you'll grow tired of me and leave me for someone who's a non-celebrity."

"Baby... I'll never grow tired of you. I love you so much. I just need you to tell me the truth from now on. I know you love me, so a dinner date with someone just to tell them you aren't interested is not a big deal to me."

"Okay. No more half-truths. I'm sorry I was such a jerk." Jihyo tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

"You're not." You kissed her back.

"Hey... as long as we're all telling the truth, can I just say that when you apologise for being too loud at night and I say it's okay, I don't actually mean it? It's not okay! I don't like to hear it when you guys are having sexy time, okay?!" Jeongyeon spoke from outside the door, you had no idea she was listening all this while.

"Unnie!" You hear the school meal club whined at Jeongyeon's complaint.

The two of you laughed and you decided to tease them a little by moaning Jihyo's name, making Jeongyeon scream and ran away from the door.

just the two of us (jihyo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now