Chapter 18

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I walked to the kitchen where they were serving refreshments, showed them my ticket, and went to sit down.

I can't believe that I finally confessed my feelings for Zola to her.

I saw her walk backstage with the canes and came back just in time before the senior class got on stage.

She sat to the right of me while her parents and mine were to my left.

I put my arm around her and she snuggled into my arm while we watched the senior class.

When it was done, our parents spent a few minutes talking to other parents while her siblings got their things backstage, refreshments, and talked to their friends.

Zola and I were left together. We were in front of the building when Zola said," Nate, can you take a picture of me in front of the Christmas tree".

"Sure," I said and I took pictures of her.

I showed her the pictures I took and she said," They look so pretty".

I held her hand and said, "You look really beautiful. My radiant star and you have the best photographer taking them as well. ".

She started laughing while her face had the biggest smile.

"I know our moment got ruined and all but I do like you".

"Oh really. I didn't know. Maybe the snuggling up next to me and the hand holding was not an obvious sign".

"Stop it," She said laughing and hitting me playfully on my chest.

Our parents and her siblings finally came out of the building and we headed home.

We said goodnight to each other and then I went into my house and my room.

I got ready for the night and went to sleep.

I woke up filled with energy.  I felt like a kid waking up on Christmas morning and running downstairs to see what Santa got for me.

That was the best sleep I've had in years. I got ready for the day because I had a lot to do today.

The first thing on my list is to talk with Zola's parents. I don't need their permission to go on a date with her.

I just want everyone to be in the loop and for it to be respectful.

I went downstairs and Zola's parents and my parents were in the living room.

"Good morning, "I said.

"Good morning dear," My mom said.

"Can I talk to you guys about something?".


I stood in front of the TV took a deep breath and said," So I just wanted to let you guys know that I would be taking Zola out tonight".

"Sure," Zo's mom said but she didn't get what I was trying to say.

"I mean like going out on a date".

My mom gasped and got excited and said," I knew it".

My dad said congratulations while Zola's dad approved.

"You two are going out on a date?" Zola's mom asked me.

My heart started to beat faster because I thought she didn't approve.

"Yeah, I just wanted to be respectful and let everyone be in the loop of things".

"That's very kind of you. Treat her right".

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