Crush X Reader ≡ Enemies?

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One-Shot: #7

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You giggled at the photo of (Senpai's name). It's the picture you got 2 days ago, since you thought it was better than to be marked as a crazy stalker.

"Well what do we have here? A crazy old hag kissing a picture. That's new." Twitching your eye at a sudden voice behind you, "Why hello there, hag."

"Get lost, (Crush's name)."

"Wow, what a great way to greet a person, (Nickname)." He snorted.

So... Who exactly is (Crush's name)? To be specific, he's just a random jerkpid to you only— Since he's always a gentleman to others. And why exactly did that happened? Let's just say you're on your period that day and bumped into him, and complain with colorful words escaping your mouth. And until now, you're curious about that.

"Oi! Stupid! Why are you being nice to others but not me?" You asked making him stop his tracks, "I'm a girl too you know."




"You stupid no-brain freak!"

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"(First name), ne, what's your type of guy?" (Bestfriend's name) giggled as she placed a tray of food on your table.

"I don't really care. What about you guys? Don't you have a guy in mind?" You replied,

"I really have to admit, (Crush's name) is a total hottie and a gentleman!" A girl from your group squealed.

You snorted at her comment, good thing they didn't heard, "Gentleman my ass..." You thought.

"Why hello ladies." Here comes the devil. You took a glance at him, only to be replied with a grin. Your friends squealed except for you. They think he was grinning charmingly, but boy you're wrong, he has that annoying grin just to piss you off.

"Excuse me, need to go to the restroom." You excused yourself then walkout.

"I think she needed to do her thing." You heard (Crush's name)'s annoying comment making the girls giggle. Making you feel annoyed even more.

After successfully escaping the cafeteria. You headed to the mini park of your school/university making you a little relaxed by this peaceful surroundings— Well except for the fact that couples got here for their 'love' stuffs— Yeah, peace.

"Aye, (Nickname). Having fun without lil' o' me?" This stupid devil...

"Get lost." Your replied bluntly,

"You really have no sense of shame." He shook his head  and sighed.

You stood up and headed to a different direction. You just want to avoid him for a while, it's annoying— And that's what you think,

You tripped on a rock feeling your surroundings move slow motion, "Gonna get more embarrassing by thus dipshit behind me," you thought and waited for the impact. And like all other cliché moments,

You felt a hand by your wrist, twirling you around and saw a calm-slash-shock face of (Crush's name) who was holding your waist in support, his eyes were in full contact of yours. You had a small tint of blush blooming on your cheek.  Hoping this jerk won't notice it.

"You're so..."

S-So...? What? You gulped at his comment. Curiosity kept on washing your feeling all mixed up.

"You're so... Ugly (^v^)" He continued making you slap him hard.

"Stupid jerk!" You yelled and stomped away, leaving him standing there.

"Immature, alien." He smiled and walk off.

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Here you are sobbing your face off. And what exactly happened? Let's just say... You saw your number one crush of all times, walking away hand-in-hand with your bestfriend who was giggling at his teasing. Well it's your fault anyways, you never really admitted. But what wondered you, that you're not fully broken. It's like... You have a desire for a person that you didn't even noticed... Someone close to you but at the same time he aren't.

"Who is it?" You mumbled,

"Whose 'who'?"

Raising a brow, you took a glance to the person who just sat beside you. It was just (Crush's name)'s smirk that was replaced with a shock and guilty expression.

"Cutting onions became your hobby lately?" He asked, nudging you a little. You really wanted to give him a great comeback but, you weren't in the mood, "C'mon woman. I'm not used to this silence. Especially with you." You shrugged but he's still not impressed, "What happened anyways?"

Getting quite annoyed by his questions, "I saw my best friend, okay? I saw my best friend hanging out with my crush hand-in-hand. I felt so guilty that I haven't confessed. I'm so stupid."

You felt (Crush's name) patting your back as if to calm you down, "Hey, it's okay, everyone makes mistake. People are stupid yeah, but you don't have to blame yourself. Even I... Even I got hurt."

Smirking at his comment, "Nice grammar, dude." Giving him a light punch, "Never really expected that you'll do that though, warming up to me now, eh?"

"Huh? Did I say that?" His eyes widened when you nodded, "Well crap... H-Holy shit, woman! Don't cry!!" He whined as he saw your tears strimming down your face.

But he just hugged you motioning you to calm down. "Don't effin' cry. I'm not used to it, woman."

"Thanks, mate." You beamed a little, "Maybe you really are a gentleman, sometimes."

Giving him a little Peck on the cheek, you walk off leaving a tomato face (Crush's name).

~ Fin ~

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I know this is probably a long one-shot. But hey, I tried. I changed it though. I'll be also changing all the plot to a new one. So try to uhhh probably read it? I know most of my readers won't be back reading but I guess new readers would (≡^∇^≡)

→ [Edited]

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