Crush X Tsundere!Reader ≡ I do not!

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I know Valentine's day is like last month or something? And being the stupid one, I am, I forgot about it. And I also forgot to make this request right on that day. So uhh, don't kill me :>

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One-Shot: #123
Requested by: WolfGirl_13

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"Say, why couldn't a bicycle stand on its own?" (Crush's name)'s random question makes you look at him with a bored look on your face.

"Why though?"

"Because it was two tired!" He smiled widely, but all you did was stare at him. You get it, but it wasn't that funny.


"Oh come on, (First name), liven up a little!" The male beside you whined like a child,

(Crush's name), is the closest friend you ever had. He is indeed dense, but he can make a great company of you. Always giving out free puns out of a sudden, but you never really paid attention to it. You were busy on thinking how will he react when you gave him a treat this Valentine's, but either so, it has the possibility to be ignored.

"Why are you always in deep thought, yet you're not even telling me anything." (Crush's name) mumbles sadly,

"It is none of your concern, idiot." You heaved a sigh, and started blushing slightly, "In fact, you will never understand it anyways."

That's the last time you ever said to your best friend before Valentines. The same sentence always haunt him, even in his dreams. He couldn't find the answer, nor he couldn't even solve it scientifically. He have the brains, but it seems he doesn't have the IQ to answer it.

Or so that's what he thought.

"None of my business, huh?" He heaved a sigh, before staring blankly at the sky above, "Hm? Maybe I can stay up all night to think of that?"

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The following day, is the Day of Hearts. People would tend to give the love of their life a sweet treat of chocolates, a lovely letter, or a beautiful rose.

But it wasn't all 'fun'. You did get a lot of presents from different boys, including your friends, but none from (Crush's name). He is the one you were waiting to receive a present of. But it seems he doesn't have the 'right' to. For being an oblivious young man he is.

"Why did I even fell for him?" You asked to yourself. "If that happens, I will just do the work myself, hope it would end up very well."

Excusing yourself to the teacher in front, you gave him an excuse letter for you to borrow the Home & Economics room. Which the teacher agreed silently.


Cupping the finely-wrapped (Favorite color) chocolate treat to your hands, a small bitter smile was visible to your lips, "Stupid (Crush's name), for making me put all these efforts for him- Yet he didn't even notice."

The room was warmly lit by the sun trying to prise the last of its amber limbs over the rooftops. The sky was dyed pomegranate pink, with a tips of orange and yellow was found fascinating to watch by your naked eyes, but immediately snapped, knowing you have something to do.

Running back to the classroom, you found (Crush's name) slumped back into a chair, his face was dumped into the desk as the faint, audible sound of snoring.

"Hey, w-wake up..." You felt your voice quavered the moment you poke his cheek. But then you suddenly got the urge to slap him awake, "Wake up!"


"Ow!" (Crush's name) immediately complained, rubbing his right cheek from the sudden sting, "That is not how to wake up a sleeping person."

"W-Well... you look stupid, so I uhh..." You scratched the back of your neck, but soon avoided his gaze. "It's not like I'm looking at your face or something."

"Looking at my face? So that's why I can't sleep properly." (Crush's name) smiled innocently at you. And that simple smile, made all the blood rush to your cheeks.

"Shut up. Let's go home." You commanded, but due to your sudden movement, the chocolate treat was freed from your grasp and fell onto the floor. Attracting the male's attention behind you.

"What's this?" He asked, observing the (Favorite color) wrappings,

"I-It's none of your business, (Crush's name). Give it back." You growled, trying to steal the chocolate from your grasp.

That was until he saw a greeting card that has the writing; To (Crush's name).

Once he was distracted, you roughly retrieved back the treat from your hands.

Blushing madly, you tried to avoid your crush's curious gaze. "I… was uhh… gonna give it to you later. B-But it seems you've already noticed my 'surprise'." You sighed sadly before staring back at (Crush's name).


You bowed and extends your arms while holding the neatly wrapped chocolate towards (Crush's name). "I like you. Alot. But you never really knew."

"Why are you giving this to… me?" He asked, the voice he used was full of confusion and innocence.

"That's why I said I like you, stupid!" You gulped nervously. Your cheeks were beet red, tears were already forming by the corners of your eye.

"… You… like me?"


"I just notice it." (Crush's name) immediately perked up and gave you a light hug, which surprised you, "I just noticed that I like you too, (First name). I really do."

"You do?" You asked, but then suddenly freed yourself, "I-It's not like I'm happy or something."

"Are you somewhat embarrassed?" He blinked.

"… N-No!"

"Eheheh?" (Crush's name) smiled cheekily before taking out his phone and started to capture your beet red face.

"What the— Delete that!"

"No. I'll just post this on 'My day'."

And he did. Which earned hundreds of comments, and shippers.

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I am so sorry for giving you such an unsatisfying one shot. Also for the late updates, as usual, something's been bothering me. But I hope you enjoy these…one-shots I've been doing.

I'm trying :>

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