Crush X Reader ≡ Waiting for you

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The Last time I checked this was 184K. Thanks so much guys! I'll edit everything right away! So I made a ton of changes ↖(^ω^)↗

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One-Shot: #13

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Why. . . Why would he leave?

It was currently the last day of school but (Crush's name) still hasn't talked to you since the day you confessed to him. It was definitely the worst day you ever regretted, but today, you're planning on being friends again.

So your hoping... Hoping he wouldn't snob you.

"Well guys. I need to go in half an hour now— I'll miss y'all!" (Crush's name) cracked a clumsy grin. And still he already made eye contacts to everyone except for you. Snorting silently, you mimicked his voice in you mind, 'Miss Y'all, huh? Maybe except for me, bastard.'

Rolling your (Eye color) orbs, you shrugged and grabbed you bag then started heading outside, not biding goodbye to everyone that your going home. Since no one will notice you when you're gone, right?




'What the bloody hell?! No one notice me going away -_-#'

Sighing, you just ignored everything and started heading, real, away from your classmates.

It's already been 10 minutes! But still your classmates haven't thought of you yet, so maybe you'll just order some Burger at McDo. That'll probably cheer you up.

Entering, you noticed there's a ton of people here! Jeez. Ordering some Burger, you paid and searched if there is a vacant seat— And there was! Sitting on it quickly, you luckily grinned to yourself and started munching on the Burger.

But still no familiar faces. "Maybe I should stop hoping..." You stayed in the seat for a while, and the crowd was really getting into you. It was annoying, but it's fine.

So you stayed for a few more minutes until some person went near your table, but you didn't see his or her face, since your busy looking down, "Excuse me, ma'am. Can I share a seat with you? Sorry it's getting crowded..."

That voice— It wasn't a girl's. It's a boy— And by boy. It's the same voice as (Crush's name). But it's just a coincidence.

Beaminh to the man, your replied, "Sur—" wait... what—

You're directly looking at the same pair of shocked eyes. The person whom you wanted to talk about a while now.

"(First name)..."
"(Crush's name."

"Oh sorry— I should go now..." Standing up, he just hold your wrist.

"I want to talk to you. Please?" He pleaded, making you bite your lip. Sitting again to the chair. You avoided an eye contact, making him a little annoyed, "(First name). It's about the snob thing."

He said makingnyou snap him a look, "Continue"

"It's just that... I don't know how to react—"

"Oh really? You already received a ton of confessions with your fangirls and your saying you don't know how to react?" You bluntly replied,

"It's different, okay?!" He sighed and took a bite on his fries, "Since... I don't really like those girls. And the reason I didn't talked to you was... I don't know how to react." You looked at him, confused on what he's mumbling about, "Well... I wanted to say sorry, a lot. But I don't know how to approach you."

"Well it's too late anyways..." You mumbled.

"I know. I suck. I was waiting for you to talk to me but. Never mind." He facepalmed, "But, I think you deserve this..."

He gave you a small Peck on the lips. Your cheeks are blooming in red as he left your face with a grin written on his lips,

"Tsk... You bastard."

"I'm sorry and— See ya, (First name)."

He got up and left. Leaving you in awe while a finger pressed your lips. "So that means... He also had a crush on me." Smiling softly, "So the feeling is mutual, eh?"

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In case you didn't know, again. I change this whole plot into a new one, so I'm definitely sorry if it isn't suited to your liking. This are fantasies of mine and I know, as an author, this isn really accurate.

Truly sorry for that, .( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू ) 

~ Relodia

→ [Edited]

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