Teacher!Crush X Student!Reader ≡ Nope

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I feel kinda weird doing this request. But it's possible if you have a hot teacher standing right in front of you.

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One-Shot: #111
Requested by: PurpleGirlLovesToast

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"Nah, it's easy to fall in love with a person. You just stare at him, and when your heart flutters or if you avert your gaze, bam, you like him."

"Loving a person? Ahahah, dear you must've reached your youth!"

"You like somebody? Psh, nobody cares about you, loser."

Okay. Maybe asking different people how you feel about a certain boy isn't actually going right.

But still, that feeling on your chest makes you cringe. You really hated it to feel all lovey-dovey.

"... But who is it?" You asked to yourself, pondering for a bit.

"Whose 'who'?"

Gasping. Your head bolted up to see your favorite teacher, (Crush's name)-sensei (I think I just cringe)

"Is something bothering you, (First name)? I could always help."

That's it. Butterflies roamed around your insides as you felt your heart pounding again. It's only a teacher saying a bunch of words your mom used to say,

"N-No, you can't understand these..."

"Hm? Don't worry, I'll try."

Letting out a sigh, you began explaining how your heart runs fast, as butterflies erupted everywhere, the feeling of something cringey appears and everything nice.

"Ahh, youth. That's kinda normal, (First name), at your age, you could get a tom of guys. Like they're waiting for you to accept them." He chuckled,

That small laugh bloomed your cheeks as you averted your gaze,

"Nah, it's easy to fall in love with a person. You just stare at him, and when your heart flutters or if you avert your gaze, bam, you like him."

Shaking your head, you thanked your teacher as you run down the hall. Tears were covering the corners of your eyes. It can't be. Just impossible.

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"(First name), can you help me with these?" Perking up from the voice, you immediately stood up and ushered to his side as you grabbed one of those small boxes, and placing it wherever your sensei wants it to be placed.

"There... one last box." He laughed it out as you tried carrying the box, but fails instantly, "Lemme help you with it."

Once as your teacher came in front, he carried the box his side, brushing against your hands but you didn't seem to noticed. But you do felt blood rushing to your cheeks,

Taking a glance to your Sir. (Crush's last name), his face was dripping with sweat. You really wanted to wipe those sweat, but it would be uttermost awkward.

"There... thanks for your help, (First name)!" He grinned, patting your head, messing with your (Hair color) hair.

"... No prob."

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It's already been a month. Yet you couldn't contain in the feelings deep inside your chest. Every step you make, all in your mind was your teacher, (Crush's last name). It was aching your heart whenever you thought for the age gap, but when you saw his information sheet, he was a bit younger than all of the teachers, he must be in his twenties.

Quite surprising actually.

Walking to the vacant classroom, where stood the teacher whom you admired, typing to his laptop as he continued making the grades of his students.

Poking to his shoulder, he looked up from you (since he was sitting), with a bright smile plastered on his face. "Anything wrong (First name)?"

"Say... sir."

"Hmmm?" His jolly expression turned into the worried and confused one.

"Is it possible for a student to like someone older than them?" You blurted,


"Because... s-sir, I like you."

He remained quiet as you spoke the right words. Dying from the silence, your worried (Eye color) iris glanced back to the older male who was cupping his chin, along with hiding his lips. Couldn't determine whether his expression turned.

"I'm actually flattered there, (Last name)..." He finally spoke, "But as far as I can say, I'm disappointed in you."

You froze. His words kinda seem hurt. Like an arrow piercing your beating heart, killing you with all sadness. His joyful eyes now gleams with dullness. You never foresighted this end.

"To answer your question earlier, yes, it's possible. But don't ever expect that all people returns your feelings,"

His blunt reply made you choke on your uniform. You couldn't speak. You couldn't move. You can't feel anything.

"Now will you excuse me, (Last name). I have a ton of work to do."

You witted out, you soft footsteps became heavy as you sobbed on the rooftop. The wind blew your (Hair length) (Hair color) who seems to brush you with comfortment. But nothing do please you.

"You like somebody? Psh, nobody cares about you, loser."

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Uhhhhh, please don't kill me for giving you a bad end. Well, actually, I've thought of two ideas for this. One was this, and the Second one, was (C/n) trying to harass you.

Lmao. I know, it's a bit cringey if I must say.

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